Home Home-Remedies 3 Best Teas to End Your Headache

3 Best Teas to End Your Headache


A good home remedy for headaches is to drink tea made with lemon seed, but chamomile tea with other herbs is also great for relieving headaches and migraines.

In addition to this tea, there are other natural strategies that can be used to increase its effect. Check out 5 steps to end your headache without medication.

However, in case of severe or frequent headache it is important to find out its cause in order to treat it properly. The main causes of headaches are tiredness, stress and sinusitis, but very severe headaches and constant headache should be investigated by a neurologist. See what are the most common causes of headache.

1. Lemon seed tea

An excellent home remedy for headaches is citrus seed tea such as orange, lemon and tangerine. This seed powder is rich in antioxidants, flavonoids and natural anti-inflammatories that are effective in fighting headaches.


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Method of preparation

Place all the seeds on a tray and bake for about 10 minutes, or until completely dry. Then, beat them in a blender to make them powder and store in a tightly closed glass container, like an old glass of mayonnaise, for example.

To make the remedy, put 1 teaspoon of the powder in a cup and cover with boiling water. Cover, let cool, strain and drink next. Take a cup of this tea 30 minutes before meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner), during the period of headache crisis and, after 3 days, evaluate the results.

2. Chamomile tea

A good natural remedy for headaches caused by anxiety and stress situations is capim-santo tea, calendula and chamomile, as these herbs have a powerful calming and relaxing effect that help relieve pressure.


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Method of preparation

Place the herbs inside and a pot of boiling water, cover and set aside for 15 minutes. Then strain and drink the tea while it is still warm. You can sweeten it to taste with a little honey.

3. Tea with lavender

Another great natural solution for headaches is to apply a cold compress prepared with essential oils of lavender and marjoram on the head and let it act for a few minutes.

The ingredients used in this home remedy help to relieve physical and mental stress, due to its relaxing properties. In addition to being used to reduce headaches, the aromatherapy compress can also be used to reduce cases of anxiety and tension.


  • 5 drops of lavender essential oil5 drops of marjoram essential oil in a cold water bowl

Method of preparation

The essential oils from both plants should be added to the basin with cold water. Then soak two towels in the water and wring out gently. Lie down and apply a towel to your forehead and another at the base of your neck. The compress must be kept for 30 minutes, when the body gets used to the temperature of the towel, wet it again to keep it always cold.

Doing a self-massage on your head can help to complement the treatment, see the following video:

However, if these treatments do not work it is important to go to the doctor because it may be necessary to start using medicines. See which remedies are most suitable for headache.

3 Best Teas to End Your Headache