Home Home-Remedies Home remedy for shortness of breath

Home remedy for shortness of breath


A great home remedy for shortness of breath caused by respiratory complications is watercress syrup, due to its anti-inflammatory, expectorant and decongestant properties, which decrease the symptoms of diseases such as flu, cold, asthma and bronchitis, for example.

Shortness of breath is characterized by a breathing difficulty scientifically called dyspnoea, which can be caused by several situations, such as anxiety, heart failure, tiredness, excessive physical activity, asthma, bronchitis and obesity.

In case of shortness of breath, what you should do is try to rest and breathe deeply. If the individual observes that shortness of breath is caused by excess phlegm or cough, what can be done is to take the following home remedy:

Honey syrup with homemade watercress


  • 500 g watercress 300 g honey 300 ml water

Method of preparation:

Bring all ingredients to a simmer and stir until it boils. Put out the fire, let it cool and take 1 tablespoon 4 times a day, while you feel short of breath. As a form of prevention, this syrup should be ingested especially during the season and throughout the winter.

What causes shortness of breath

It is important to identify what is causing shortness of breath to avoid complications such as changes in blood pressure, dizziness and suffocation with loss of consciousness. And therefore, if shortness of breath is accompanied by dizziness and tiredness or becomes a frequent situation, a medical consultation is recommended.

Find out possible causes of shortness of breath in Main causes of Shortness of Breath.

Shortness of breath in pregnancy

Feeling short of breath in pregnancy is a normal situation, and this is due to the growth of the uterus, which reduces the space of the lungs, which find it more difficult to expand when the pregnant woman inhales. In this case, what you can do is to avoid efforts and try to calm down, breathing as deeply as possible for a few minutes.

Home remedy for shortness of breath