Home Home-Remedies Home remedy to reduce excessive sweating

Home remedy to reduce excessive sweating


An excellent home remedy for hyperhidrosis, which is excessive sweating, is to regularly take the sage infusion, since the plant has anti-sweating properties, which prevents and regulates the excessive production of sweat, being useful in cases of stress, anxiety and during menopause.

In most cases, consumption of sage is able to reduce up to 50% of the symptoms of hyperhidrosis.


  • 500 ml of water2 teaspoons of sage leaves

Method of preparation

Add the ingredients and let stand for 3 minutes. Then strain and drink up to 2 times during the day.

In addition to this home remedy for hyperhidrosis, you can use deodorants or antiperspirant creams, such as Nivea Dry Impact, Vichy Antiperspirant Cream or Rexona Clinical, for example. However, when this is not enough, even surgery to control this disorder may be recommended. Learn more about Surgery to stop sweating.

Watch the following video and find out which foods influence the smell of sweat:

Home remedy to reduce excessive sweating