Home Home-Remedies Home remedy for acute myocardial infarction

Home remedy for acute myocardial infarction


Royal jelly is a great home remedy to help prevent acute myocardial infarction. That's because it improves the elasticity of blood vessels.


  • 1 liter of honey bees20g of royal jelly

Method of preparation

Dilute 20g of pure royal jelly in 1 liter of bee honey and take 4 tablespoons a day, to sweeten juices, milk or yogurt, for example.

Royal jelly is able to maintain the elasticity of the blood vessel wall, making it more resistant, being a great help in preventing infarction.

However, its consumption does not exclude the need to take other precautions, such as reducing the intake of fatty foods especially of animal origin and fried foods, dairy products, coffee or chocolate; do moderate exercises that encourage sweating and mainly fight stress; and if you are a smoker, stop smoking.

Useful links:

  • 12 signs that can indicate heart problems

Home remedy for acute myocardial infarction