Home Home-Remedies Home remedy for bruises

Home remedy for bruises


A great home remedy for bruises and wounds is to apply a marigold compress on the injured area because it has healing properties that help with skin regeneration.


  • 3 g of marigold flowers 1 cup of boiling water

Method of preparation

Add the boiling water in a pot with the marigold flowers and let it rest for 5 minutes. Wet a clean gauze in this tea and apply to the wound several times a day.

In addition, you can drink marigold tea because it stimulates the immune system to fight infections. You can take a maximum of 3 cups of this tea a day.

To protect small wounds, it is advisable to put a band-aid, but larger or deeper wounds should be protected with a dressing that can be done at the pharmacy, at the health center or at the hospital.

Home remedy for bruises