Home Home-Remedies Home remedies for weight loss

Home remedies for weight loss


A great home remedy for weight loss is green tea, as it helps to increase the body's metabolism by burning more calories. However, there are also other options for weight loss such as tomato juice, which helps to combat the desire to eat sweets, as well as leather hat tea, which is diuretic.

These home remedies for weight loss are useful but do not dispense with the need for a low-calorie diet and regular physical exercise for faster weight loss.

Here's how to prepare great tea recipes to lose weight.

1. Green tea with ginger and cinnamon

An excellent home remedy for weight loss is green tea, because it is rich in caffeine, which helps to increase the body's metabolism.


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Method of preparation

Add the ingredients in a pan and boil for a few minutes, then remove from the heat and let stand for 3 minutes. Take about 2 liters of this tea a day as a substitute for water.

2. Tomato juice

A good home remedy for weight loss is to drink tomato juice, because it helps to overcome the urge to eat sweets.


  • 1 tablespoon of salt and black pepper

Method of preparation

Pass the 5 tomatoes through the centrifuge or beat in a blender with a little water, then add salt and pepper and drink next. Take 250 ml of tomato juice, fasting, every day.

3. Leather-hat tea with hibiscus

A good home remedy for weight loss is leather hat tea with hibiscus because it has diuretic properties that help eliminate excess fluids from the body.


  • We have a wide range of products for you to choose from.

Method of preparation

Add the ingredients in a pan and boil for 5 minutes. Cover, let cool, then strain. Have this tea throughout the day.

4. Lemon grass and mackerel tea

Lemongrass tea, or herb-prince as it is also known, with mackerel is an excellent home remedy for those who want to lose weight because it is a good natural diuretic and also speeds up the metabolism.


  • Add the onion and cook for a minute or two until golden brown.

Method of preparation

Add lemongrass and mackerel in boiling water and cover the container. The tea should remain in infusion for approximately 15 minutes. Drink the tea still warm.

What to do to lose weight

The most perfect diet to lose weight is one that does not prevent the individual from eating any type of food, only restricting the amount that is eaten. In this diet it is recommended to consume:

  • 60% carbohydrates, such as rice, bread or pasta; 25% fats (good), such as olive oil, avocado or salmon; 15% lean proteins, such as lean meat, boiled egg or canned tuna without oil; 25 to 30 g of fiber, such as whole foods, vegetables and raw and unpeeled fruits.

The calculation is made with the naked eye, observing the dish of each meal. For example: 60% carbohydrates, indicate that foods rich in carbohydrates such as pasta, rice and potatoes can occupy about half the size of the dish. The amount of protein required for lunch and dinner should be the same size as the palm of your hand, the best salad dressing is olive oil with lemon, as long as it is only 1 tablespoon a day, and the fibers are always with all meals.

Watch the following video to learn what you can do to lose weight:

Home remedies for weight loss