Home Home-Remedies Home treatment for impetigo

Home treatment for impetigo


Good examples of home remedies for impetigo, a disease characterized by wounds on the skin are the medicinal plants calendula, malaleuca, lavender and almond because they have antimicrobial action and accelerate skin regeneration.

These home remedies can be used in both children and adults. However, this should not be the only form of treatment, and can only facilitate the treatment indicated by the doctor, especially when antibiotics are required. See how the treatment for impetigo is done by clicking here.

Calendula and arnica compress

An excellent home remedy for impetigo is to apply wet compresses to marigold tea with arnica due to its antimicrobial and healing properties that help heal wounds faster.


  • This is a great way to add flavor and flavor to your dishes.

Method of preparation

Add the 2 tablespoons of marigold in a container with boiling water, cover and leave to infuse for approximately 20 minutes. Dip a cotton ball or gauze in the tea and apply to the wounds 3 times a day, allowing to act for 10 minutes each time.

Mixture of essential oils

Applying a mixture of essential oils to the skin daily is also an excellent way to speed up skin regeneration.


  • 1 tablespoon of sweet almond oil ½ teaspoon of malaleuca essential oil ½ teaspoon of clove oil ½ teaspoon of lavender essential oil

Method of preparation

Just mix all these ingredients very well in a container and apply to the bubbles that characterize the impetigo, at least 3 times a day.

The malaleuca and clove used in this home remedy have anti-bacterial properties that dry out the blisters, while the lavender essential oil works to soothe and soften inflammation.

Home treatment for impetigo