Home Bulls Rimonabant for weight loss

Rimonabant for weight loss


The rimonabant known commercially as Acomplia or Redufast, is a medicine that was used to lose weight, with action on the central nervous system decreasing the appetite.

This medication works by blocking receptors in the brain and peripheral organs, decreasing the hyperactivity of the endocannabinoid system, resulting in decreased appetite, regulation of body weight and energy balance, as well as the metabolism of sugars and fats, thus helping to lose weight.

Despite their effectiveness, the sale of these drugs has been suspended due to the increased risk of developing psychiatric complications.

How to use

The use of rimonabant is 1 tablet of 20 mg daily, in the morning before breakfast, orally, taken whole, without being broken or chewed. Treatment should be accompanied by a low calorie diet and an increase in the level of physical activity.

The recommended dose of 20 mg per day should not be exceeded, due to the increased risk of adverse events.

Mechanism of action

Rimonabant is an antagonist of cannabinoid receptors and works by blocking a specific type of cannabinoid receptors called CB1, which are found in the nervous system and are part of the system that the body uses to control food intake. These receptors are also present in adipocytes, which are the cells of adipose tissue.

Possible side effects

The side effects that can be caused by this medication are nausea and upper respiratory tract infections, stomach discomfort, vomiting, sleep disorders, nervousness, depression, irritability, dizziness, diarrhea, anxiety, itching, excessive sweating, muscle cramps or spasms, fatigue, black spots, pain and inflammation in the tendons, memory loss, back pain, altered sensitivity in the hands and feet, hot flushes, flu and dislocation, drowsiness, night sweats, hiccups, anger.

In addition, symptoms of panic, restlessness, emotional disturbances, suicidal thoughts, aggressiveness or aggressive behavior may also occur.


Currently, ribonabant is contraindicated in the entire population, having been withdrawn from the market due to its side effects.

During its commercialization, its use was not recommended in pregnant women, during breastfeeding, in children under 18, people with hepatic or renal insufficiency or with any uncontrolled psychiatric disorder.

Rimonabant for weight loss