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Rhinitis: what it is, main symptoms and treatment


Rhinitis is inflammation of the nasal mucosa that generates symptoms such as frequent runny nose and sneezing and coughing. It usually happens as a result of allergy to dust, mites or hair, but it can happen as a result of using nasal decongestants.

Rhinitis treatment can be done with medication, general hygiene measures and immunotherapy.

Main symptoms

Rhinitis symptoms can be different from one individual to another, but the most common symptom is a runny nose, but the person may also have:

  • Red, watery eyes; Sneezing; Persistent dry cough; Burning sensation in the eyes, nose and mouth; Vomiting in case of excessive cough; Dark circles; Sore throat; Headache; Swollen eyes; Decreased hearing and smell.

Rhinitis can favor the onset of other diseases, such as, for example, otitis and conjunctivitis due to the accumulation of secretions in the airways.

Possible causes

Rhinitis can be caused by allergies to dust, mites, flaking of the skin of animals, pollen from trees or flowers, pollution or smoke. In addition, it can happen as a result of a viral or bacterial infection in the airways.

What is the difference between rhinitis, sinusitis and rhinosinusitis?

Rhinitis is inflammation of the nasal mucosa, which usually occurs in allergy, and manifests itself with frequent sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes and a burning sensation in the eyes, nose and mouth. Sinusitis is inflammation of the sinuses and is more associated with bacterial infections. In addition, the most characteristic symptoms of sinusitis are pain and heaviness in the head, usually due to the accumulation of secretions. Rhinosinusitis corresponds to inflammation of the nasal mucosa and sinuses and has the same symptoms as sinusitis. Learn more about how to identify and treat sinusitis.

Types of rhinitis

Rhinitis can be classified according to the cause of the symptoms into:

1. Allergic rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis is the most common form of rhinitis and its main symptom is a runny nose. The secretion is little and it is transparent, but constant or frequent and its treatment consists of keeping the individual away from what he is allergic to and, in some cases, the doctor may indicate the ingestion of an antiallergic medicine, such as Loratadine, for example. However, the individual should not use this remedy in an exaggerated way to avoid its side effects and to prevent liver involvement in the long term and, therefore, it is very important to discover the cause of the allergy so that it is eliminated and the individual do not show more symptoms of rhinitis.

If the symptoms of allergic rhinitis persist for more than 3 months, it can be said that allergic rhinitis has evolved to chronic rhinitis. Find out what are the symptoms and treatment for chronic rhinitis.

2. Vasomotor rhinitis

Vasomotor rhinitis is inflammation of the nasal mucosa caused by changes in the individual's own nose, not caused by allergy. In it, the individual always has a runny nose, but allergy tests are always negative. In this case, the excess of nasal secretion is caused by the excessive dilation of the blood and lymph vessels present in the internal part of the nose and, sometimes, its best treatment is surgery. See what vasomotor rhinitis is and how to treat it.

3. Medicated rhinitis

It happens when the person self-medicates, that is, he decides to use medicines without the proper medical guidance. This is the case of nasal decongestant, which is used by many people but can cause irritation to the nasal mucosa when used frequently.

Diagnosis of rhinitis

For the diagnosis of rhinitis it is suggested that the individual go to a medical consultation and, after observing the symptoms of the disease, the doctor may order a blood test to check if the amount of IgE is high and an allergy test to be able to identify what the individual is allergic to.

This diagnosis can be made from 5 years of age, because before this age group the results may be incorrect and, therefore, if there is a suspicion that the child suffers from allergic rhinitis what should be done is to try to identify the one that she you are allergic and, therefore, it is recommended that parents keep the house very clean, free from dust, use washing powder and hypoallergenic fabric softener and the bedding and the child's own clothes should be made of cotton. In the bedroom you should avoid stuffed animals, carpets and curtains.

Rhinitis Treatment

The treatment for rhinitis will depend on what caused the disease. If it is caused by an allergy, what can be done is to remove the individual from what gives him allergy, keep his nose very clean using nasal washes, and on the most critical days use an allergy medicine. Learn how to properly perform nasal lavage.

Another form of treatment for rhinitis is the allergy vaccine that the person has, which is called desensitizing immunotherapy, but this is only recommended when the drugs have no effect. Usually, the doctor recommends the use of some medicines, such as corticosteroids and antihistamines, such as fenergan, sinutab, claritin and adnax. There are also some home remedies that can be used to treat rhinitis. Find out how home treatment for rhinitis is done.

Rhinitis: what it is, main symptoms and treatment