Home Bulls Rozerem: what it is, what it is for and how to take it

Rozerem: what it is, what it is for and how to take it


Rozerem is a sleeping pill that contains ramelteone in its composition, a substance that is able to bind to melatonin receptors in the brain and cause an effect similar to that of this neurotransmitter, which consists of helping you to fall asleep and maintain a relaxing sleep. and quality.

This drug has already been approved by Anvisa in Brazil, but it still cannot be purchased in pharmacies, being sold only in the United States and Japan, in the form of 8 mg tablets.

Price and where to buy

Rozerem is not yet on sale in pharmacies in Brazil, however it can be purchased in the United States at an average price of $ 300 per box of the drug.

What is it for

Due to the effect of its active ingredient, Rozerem is indicated to treat adults with difficulty falling asleep due to insomnia.

How to take

The recommended dose of Rozerem is:

  • 1 8 mg tablet, 30 minutes before bed.

During the 30 minutes it is advisable to avoid intense activities or not to prepare for sleep.

To increase the effect of the medicine, it is also important not to take the tablet on a full stomach or after a meal, and wait at least 30 minutes after eating.

Possible side effects

Some of the most common side effects include headache, drowsiness, dizziness, tiredness and muscle pain.

In addition, more serious effects such as sudden changes in behavior or an allergic skin reaction may appear, and it is advisable to consult the doctor to reassess the treatment.

Who should not take

Rozerem is contraindicated for children, breastfeeding women or people with allergies to any of the components of the formula. In addition, it should also not be used if you are being treated with other sleeping medications or with Fluvoxamine.

During pregnancy, Rozerem can only be used under the guidance of the obstetrician.

Rozerem: what it is, what it is for and how to take it