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Find out what diuretic foods to deflate


Some fruits and vegetables, such as watermelon and celery, have natural diuretic properties that help control high blood pressure and reduce swelling in the body. In addition, diuretic foods are detoxifying and therefore excellent to include in weight loss diets.

Consuming this type of food is, therefore, a natural way to deflate during pregnancy, in periods of premenstrual tension, being useful even to complement the treatment of high blood pressure.

List of diuretic foods

Some of the main diuretic foods are:

Diuretic vegetables Diuretic fruits
  • WatercressSalt and parsleyLeeksSpinach; AsparagusCucumberBeetsPimentoTomatoesOnion and garlic
  • AppleOrange Passion FruitMelonWatermelonPineappleStrawberryKiwiLemon

In addition to eating these natural diuretic foods daily or making juices and vitamins with them, it is also important to drink plenty of water and do some physical activity to prevent fluid retention in the body and swelling.

Drinking coconut water and teas with diuretic properties throughout the day, such as rosemary, sand, horsetail or fennel tea, is also a complementary way to increase diuresis. However, in cases of illness, such as kidney failure, the doctor and nutritionist must advise and control the permitted amount of diuretics, and the adequate intake of fluids.

See other tips to combat water retention in this video:

Diuretic recipes for stripping

Pumpkin soup

This recipe for pumpkin soup is great to complement the treatment of fluid retention because the pumpkin is diuretic and the soup, although it does not contain salt, tastes great.


  • 1 kg of pumpkin pieces; 1 medium leek cut into slices; 2 tablespoons of powdered ginger; 1 liter of water; 4 minced garlic cloves; 2 tablespoons of oil; black pepper and lemon zest to taste.

Method of preparation

Sauté the garlic cloves in olive oil until golden and then add the water, pumpkin and leek, allowing to cook well.

When well cooked add the ginger and a little black pepper to taste. Once ready, add lemon zest and if you prefer, beat in a blender.

Pumpkin puree

A great natural diuretic is the consumption of pumpkin puree, as it contains plenty of water and vitamin A, which favor the work of the kidneys and the formation of urine, increasing the elimination of fluids and decreasing the swelling of the body.


  • 1/2 pumpkin; 1 liter of water; Salt and basil to taste.

Method of preparation

Place the pumpkin and water in a pan and cook until soft. Then, drain the water and knead the pumpkin, turning it into puree. Hit the salt and add a little bit of basil. Eat at least one plate full of puree and at least 2 liters of water, during the day, to achieve the desired effect.

See a diuretic menu to lose weight in 3 days

Find out what diuretic foods to deflate