Home Bulls Alfentanil opioid analgesic remedy

Alfentanil opioid analgesic remedy


Alfentanila is a pain relieving medication, indicated for use in general anesthesia or in surgical procedures.

This medication is composed of Alfentanil Hydrochloride, an opioid analgesic with fast onset of action and short duration of effect, which makes it effective in surgeries, long or short duration.

How to take

Alfentanila is a medicine for injection, which should only be administered by a doctor or trained professional. Alfentanil Hydrochloride should be administered directly into the vein, and the recommended doses depend on the patient's weight and physical condition, and the type of surgical procedure and anesthesia used.

Side effects

Some of the side effects of Alfentanila may include slow or weak breathing, spasms of the airways and vocal cords, hiccups, changes in heartbeat, low or high blood pressure, muscle stiffness, involuntary muscle movements, dizziness, nausea or vomiting.


Alfentanila is contraindicated for patients with a history of allergies to similar pain relievers or to any of the components of the formula.

In addition, you should inform your doctor before you perform the surgery or procedure if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Alfentanil opioid analgesic remedy