Home Bulls What is allergy to cow's milk protein (aplv) and how is the food

What is allergy to cow's milk protein (aplv) and how is the food


Allergy to cow's milk protein (APLV) occurs when the baby's immune system rejects milk proteins, causing severe symptoms such as red skin, strong vomiting, bloody stools and difficulty breathing.

In these cases, the baby should be fed with special milk formulas indicated by the pediatrician and that do not contain milk protein, in addition to avoiding the consumption of any food that contains milk in its composition.

How is feeding without cow's milk

For babies who are allergic to milk and who are still breastfeeding, the mother also needs to stop consuming milk and milk-containing products in the recipe, as the protein that causes the allergy passes into breast milk, causing the baby's symptoms.

In addition to breastfeeding care, babies up to 1 year old should also consume infant milk formulas that do not contain cow's milk protein, such as Nan Soy, Pregomin, Aptamil and Alfaré. After 1 year of age, the follow-up with the pediatrician must continue and the child can start to consume fortified soy milk or other type of milk indicated by the doctor.

It is also important to remember that at all ages you should avoid the consumption of milk and any product that contains milk in its composition, such as cheese, yogurt, cakes, pastries, pizzas and white sauce.

What to eat in milk allergy

How to differentiate normal colic from milk allergy

To differentiate between normal colic and milk allergy, one must observe the symptoms, as colic does not appear after all feedings and causes milder pain and discomfort than allergy.

In allergy, the symptoms are more severe and in addition to intestinal problems, they also include irritability, changes in the skin, vomiting, difficulty breathing, swelling in the lips and eyes, and irritability.

Foods and ingredients that should be removed from the diet

The table below shows the foods and ingredients of industrialized products that contain milk protein and that should be removed from the diet.

Prohibited Foods Prohibited Ingredients (see on label)
Cow milk Casein
Cheese Caseinate
Goat, sheep and buffalo milk and cheese Lactose
Yogurt, curd, petit suisse Lactoglobulin, lactoalbumin, lactoferrin
Dairy beverage Butter fat, butter oil, butter ester
Milk cream Anhydrous milk fat
Cream, rennet, sour cream Lactate
butter Whey, Whey Protein
Margarine containing milk Dairy yeast
Ghee (clarified butter) Initial culture of lactic acid fermented in milk or whey
Cottage cheese, cream cheese Dairy compound, milk mixture
White sauce Microparticulated milk whey protein
Dulce de leche, whipped cream, sweet creams, pudding Diacetyl (usually used in beer or buttered popcorn)

The ingredients listed in the right column, such as casein, caseinate and lactose, should be checked on the list of ingredients on the label of processed foods.

In addition, products that contain dyes, aromas or a natural flavor of butter, margarine, milk, caramel, coconut cream, vanilla cream and other milk derivatives may contain traces of milk. So, in these cases, you should call the SAC of the product manufacturer and confirm the presence of milk before offering the food to the child.

If you are in doubt, learn how to identify whether your child has a milk allergy or lactose intolerance.

What is allergy to cow's milk protein (aplv) and how is the food