The allergy test is a type of diagnostic test that serves to know whether or not the person has any type of allergy such as skin allergy, allergy to deodorant, food, medication or even respiratory.
Generally, the allergy test is done in the office of the allergist or dermatologist, and is recommended when the person has itchiness, swelling or redness of the skin. These tests can also be done through blood tests, which determine which substances in food or the environment are at greatest risk of causing allergy.
The allergy test is usually done in a doctor's office, such as a dermatologist or allergist, and can vary between 200 and 300 reais, depending on the type of allergy you are trying to diagnose.
How is done
To do the allergy test, you should consult an allergist or dermatologist who, depending on the type of allergy, will recommend one of the following skin allergy tests:
- Allergy test on the forearm or Prick test: a few drops of the substance that is thought to cause allergy are allowed to drip on the patient's forearm, or a few pricks are made with a needle with the substance and wait 20 minutes to check if the patient reacts. Understand how the forearm allergy test is done; Back allergy test: also known as contact allergy test, it consists of sticking an adhesive tape on the patient's back with a small amount of the substance that is believed to cause allergy to the patient, then wait for up to 48 hours and observe if there is some reaction on the skin.
Skin allergy tests can be done to detect an allergy in anyone, including babies, and the positive reaction is the formation of a red blister, like a mosquito bite, which leads to swelling and itching at the site.
In addition to these tests, the patient can have a blood test to assess whether there are substances in the blood that indicate whether the individual has any type of allergy.
In the case of food allergy, such as allergy to milk, gluten or shrimp, for example, the doctor may also recommend carrying out an oral provocation test, which consists of eating a small amount of the food that causes allergy and checking the reaction. Understand which foods cause the most allergies.
How to prepare for the test
The preparation for the allergy test should include:
- Eliminate the use of antihistamines, such as Hydroxyzine or Clemastine, for example, two weeks before performing any allergy test, as it can interfere with the results, preventing the reaction to the substance to which you are allergic; Avoid the application of creams on the skin, as it can lead to a wrong result when performing skin allergy test.
In addition to these guidelines, the patient must comply with all the specific indications that the doctor has indicated, so that the allergy test correctly reports the cause of the allergy.
See how the treatment can be done that can definitely cure some allergies.