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Know what to do if you had sex without a condom


After sexual intercourse without a condom, you should take a pregnancy test and go to the doctor to find out if there has been contamination with any sexually transmitted disease such as gonorrhea, syphilis or HIV.

These precautions are also important when the condom broke, it was misplaced, when it was not possible to keep the condom during all intimate contact and also in case of withdrawal, because in these situations there is also a risk of pregnancy and disease transmission. Ask questions about withdrawal.

Sex without a condom can lead to pregnancy or illness

What to do to prevent pregnancy

There is a risk of becoming pregnant after sexual intercourse without a condom, when the woman does not use an oral contraceptive or forgot to take the pill on any of the days before intimate contact.

Thus, in these cases, if the woman does not wish to become pregnant, she can take the morning-after pill up to a maximum of 72 hours after intimate contact. However, the morning-after pill should never be used as a contraceptive method, due to its side effects and because its effectiveness decreases with each use. Know what you may feel after taking this medicine.

If menstruation is delayed, even after taking the morning-after pill, the woman should have a pregnancy test to confirm whether or not she is pregnant, as there is a possibility that the morning-after pill may not have had the expected effect. See what are the first 10 symptoms of pregnancy.

What to do if you suspect STD

The greatest risk after intimate contact without a condom is being infected with sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, if you experience symptoms such as:

  • Itching; Redness; Discharge in the intimate region;

it is advisable to consult the doctor in the first days after the relationship, to diagnose the problem and start the appropriate treatment.

Even if there are no symptoms, the person must go to the doctor to be examined and find out if he has any changes in the intimate region. If you can't in the first few days after intercourse, you should go as soon as possible because the sooner you start treatment, the faster the cure will be. Know the most common STD symptoms and treatments.

What to do if you suspect HIV

If sexual intercourse has occurred with a person infected with HIV, or if you do not know whether the person has HIV, there is a risk of developing the disease and, therefore, it may be necessary to take a prophylactic dose of HIV drugs, until 72 hours, which decreases the risk of developing AIDS.

However, this prophylactic dose is usually only available to healthcare professionals who become infected with infected needles or to rape victims, and in the latter case, it is important to go to the emergency room to collect traces that help to identify the aggressor.

Thus, if AIDS is suspected, a rapid HIV test should be carried out in AIDS testing and counseling centers, which are present in the country's major capitals. Find out how the test is done.

Know what to do if you had sex without a condom