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Understand the causes, symptoms and when to treat myoma


Uterine fibroids are benign tumors formed in the muscle tissue that forms the uterus and are therefore also called uterine fibroids or leiomyomas. Its location in the uterus can vary, as can its size, which can range from microscopic to large as a melon.

These tumors are very common and usually do not cause symptoms, but when they appear, they can be cramping, bleeding or difficulty getting pregnant.

The main types of fibroids in the uterus are divided by their location in this organ, and can be:

  • Subserous, when it appears in the outermost part of the uterus; Intramural, when it appears inside the walls of the uterus; Submucosal, when it is inside, inside the cavity of the uterus.

Understand better the types of uterine fibroids.

The best strategy to cure the fibroid is to remove the uterus, but when this is not an option, other treatments indicated by the gynecologist may be indicated. In these cases, the fibroid may or may not reappear.

Main symptoms

Some women may have symptoms, which vary according to the amount, type and size of the fibroid. The main ones are:

  • Increased blood loss during menstruation; Prolonged menstrual period; Cramps or abdominal pain; Increased volume of the uterus and abdominal region; Constipation symptoms; Willingness to urinate more often or urinary incontinence; Pain during intimate contact; Difficulty getting pregnant.

This disease is diagnosed by the gynecologist's evaluation and through tests such as ultrasound or other imaging tests, such as hysteroscopy and hysterosalpingography, which assess the uterine cavity.

In addition, women with uterine fibroids who wish to become pregnant, even if they have no symptoms, should be followed up with the gynecologist, as the presence of this tumor can bring some complications in pregnancy, such as abortions.

Learn how the treatment of fibroids in pregnancy can be done.

Causes of fibroids

The cause of uterine fibroids has not been fully clarified. When it appears, it is because some cells of the muscle tissue that form the uterus multiply inordinately, giving rise to the tumor.

It is known that women's hormones have an influence on their development, as symptoms appear in adult women and tend to regress after menopause. In addition, it may happen that the symptoms of this disease reappear in women who are on hormone replacement therapy.

Women who are most likely to have fibroids are those who have no children, who eat a diet rich in red meat and low in vegetables, obese women and those who have a family history of this disease.

When you need to treat

Treatment is indicated when the woman has intense symptoms, such as a lot of pain or heavy menstruation, or when she is trying to get pregnant without success. The type of treatment depends on the symptoms, size and type of fibroid of each woman, and should be guided by the gynecologist. In many cases, as they do not cause symptoms, only routine follow-up is done.

The treatment to cure the fibroid can be done through surgery or other techniques performed by the gynecologist, such as embolization or cauterization of the wall of the uterus. The use of hormonal medications, such as the birth control pill, to prevent its growth, and can also be indicated by the gynecologist.

Anti-inflammatory drugs can also be used to relieve symptoms, such as ibuprofen, for example.

Learn more details of treatment for fibroids.

Fibroids make it difficult for women to conceive

A small number of women who have fibroids may have difficulty conceiving because the fibroids can cause some deformities of the inner part of the uterus, in addition to changes in circulation and increased inflammation.

In these cases, it is possible to perform treatments with hormone-based drugs, such as estrogens and androgens, or surgeries, which are myomectomy or fibroid embolization to increase the chances of becoming pregnant.

Understand the causes, symptoms and when to treat myoma