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Risks and complications of abdominoplasty


Abdominoplasty is a plastic surgery performed on the belly in order to remove fat and excess skin, helping to reduce the flabbiness of the belly and leaving it smooth, hard and without scars and stretch marks, if any.

As with any surgery, abdominoplasty presents risks, especially when performed with other types of surgical procedures, such as liposuction or mammoplasty, for example. Understand how abdominoplasty is performed.

Main risks of abdominoplasty

The main risks of abdominoplasty include:

1. Accumulation of fluid on the scar

The accumulation of fluid in the scar is called seroma and usually happens when the person does not use the brace, which makes the body more difficult to drain excess fluids naturally produced after plastic surgery.

What to do: It is recommended to use the brace for as long as indicated by the doctor, which is usually 2 months, and during this period the brace should be removed only for bathing, and then put on again. You should also walk with your torso tilted forward and always sleep on your back.

In addition, you should also do about 30 manual lymphatic drainage sessions to completely eliminate excess fluids. It is normal at the beginning to get a larger amount of fluids, which can be seen with the naked eye, but over time the amount will decrease, but the result of the surgery will still be better after these 30 sessions.

2. Crooked or excessively scarred

This is closely linked to the surgeon's experience and the more experience he has, the lower the risk of getting an ugly or very visible scar.

What to do: It is recommended to choose a good plastic surgeon, recommended by close people who have already performed the procedure and it is essential that it be accredited by the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery, if the procedure is performed in Brazil.

3. Bruises on the abdomen

The presence of bruises on the abdomen is more common when performing abdominoplasty and liposuction together, because the passage of the cannula under the skin can rupture small blood vessels, which allow it to leak, forming the purple marks that become very visible in the some people's skin.

What to do: It is normal for the body itself to eliminate the purple marks due to liposuction, but the doctor may prescribe some ointment to apply in the most painful places.

4. Fibrosis formation

Fibrosis is when a hardened tissue forms in the places where the liposuction cannula passed, being a form of defense of the body. This hardened tissue can form an appearance of small elevations in the abdomen, compromising the result of plastic surgery.

What to do: To prevent it from forming, lymphatic drainage after surgery is essential, but after this tissue is already formed, it is necessary to undergo treatment with dermatofunctional physiotherapy, with devices such as micro currents, radiofrequency and manual therapy to standardize the skin and break up the fibrosis sites.

5. Surgical wound infection

The infection of the surgical wound is a rarer complication of plastic surgery, which occurs when the doctor, nurses or patient did not have the necessary hygiene to take care of the scar, allowing the entry and proliferation of germs. The site should form pus and have a strong smell, compromising the result of the surgery.

What to do: If the cut site is red, with pus or a bad smell, you should go to the doctor as soon as possible to solve the infection with the use of antibiotics.

See in the following video how to eat to improve your healing:

6. Loss of sensitivity

It is very common after any surgery that the person has a lower sensitivity of the skin to the touch in the places close to the scar and where the liposuction cannula passed. However, over the months the sensitivity returns to normal.

What to do: Massages in places with less sensitivity are a good strategy to solve this problem, and can be done with techniques such as kneading, pinching, small pats or temperature variations, for example.

7. Thrombosis or pulmonary embolism

Thrombosis and pulmonary embolism are considered the most serious risks and complications of any surgery and happen when a blood clot forms inside a vein and then passes through blood vessels and reaches the heart or lung, preventing the arrival of air at that location..

What to do: To avoid the formation of thrombi, it is recommended that the woman stop taking contraceptives 2 months before the operation and after the operation she should take anticoagulants, such as Fraxiparina 8 hours after the surgery, for at least 1 week and always move feet when lying or sitting, during rest period. To avoid thrombosis and other bleeding, one must also stop taking certain pharmacy and natural remedies before surgery. See what are these remedies that you cannot take before abdominoplasty.

Warning signs to go to the doctor

It is recommended to go to the doctor if you have the following signs or symptoms:

  • Difficulty in breathing; Fever; Pain does not go away with the painkillers indicated by the doctor; Has the bandage totally stained with blood or is yellow or wet; Has the drain filled with liquid; Feeling pain in the scar or if it smells bad; If the surgery site is hot, swollen, reddish or sore; you are pale, weak and always feel tired.

It is essential to consult the doctor, as he may be developing a serious complication that could put the patient's safety and life at risk.

Risks and complications of abdominoplasty