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Find out what doxycycline is for


Doxycycline is an antibiotic indicated to treat diseases caused by microorganisms sensitive to doxycycline such as typhoid fever, smallpox, tick fever, pneumonia, rocky fever, urethritis, syphilis, travelers' diarrhea or inguinal granuloma for example. It can also be used to prevent malaria, leptospirosis or cholera.

This antibiotic acts on the metabolism of bacteria, preventing their nutrition, development and reproduction, which ultimately leads to their elimination. This antibiotic may also be known commercially as Clordox, Vibramycin, Doxilegrand or Protectin.


The price of Doxycycline varies between 15 and 40 reais, and can be purchased at pharmacies or online stores, requiring a prescription.

How to take

It is generally recommended to take 200 mg on the first day of treatment in a single dose or in doses of 100 mg every 12 hours. For the remaining days, it is recommended to take a maintenance dose of 100 mg per day, administered as a single dose or in 2 doses of 50 mg every 12 hours.

In the most severe cases, a dose of 200 mg is recommended throughout the treatment.

Side effects

Some of the side effects of Doxycycline may include stomach pain, sensitivity to light, poor appetite, blurred or blurred vision, discolored teeth, diarrhea, nausea, poor digestion, ringing in the ear, changes in blood tests such as anemia or headache. head.


This remedy is contraindicated for pregnant or breastfeeding women, children under 8 years of age and for patients with allergies to tetracyclines or any of the components of the formula.

Find out what doxycycline is for