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Early pregnancy


Teenage pregnancy can result in several consequences for both woman and baby, such as depression during and after pregnancy, premature birth and increased blood pressure.

According to the World Health Organization, pregnancy is considered early when the girl becomes pregnant between 10 and 19 years old. Early pregnancy is generally due to culture and difficulty in accessing contraceptive methods, which can cause unpleasant consequences for both the health of the pregnant woman and the baby.

Consequences of early pregnancy

Early pregnancy can have consequences for both the mother and drinking, and can have a physical, psychological and socioeconomic impact, for example.

1. Physical consequences

Due to the fact that the woman is not fully physically ready for a pregnancy, there is a greater chance of premature birth, early rupture of the bag and spontaneous abortion, for example. In addition, it is possible that weight loss, anemia and changes in the formation of placental blood vessels may occur, which may result in an increase in blood pressure, the situation of which is called pre-eclampsia. Understand what preeclampsia is.

2. Psychological consequences

Normally women who are in an early pregnancy are also not emotionally prepared, so it can postpartum depression or during pregnancy, decreased self-esteem and emotional problems between mother and baby. This often means that these children are put up for adoption or raised by their grandparents, without any maternal contact.

3. Socioeconomic consequences

It is very common that during and after the unwanted pregnancy, women abandon their studies or work, as they believe that it is not possible to reconcile the two things, in addition to suffering immense pressure from society and, often, from the family itself in relation to marriage and to the fact that she is still pregnant as a teenager.

In addition, being pregnant is often a reason for companies not to hire women, as it may represent more expenses for the company, since within a few months she will go on maternity leave.

4. Consequences for the baby

The fact that the woman is not physically and emotionally prepared can increase the chances of premature birth, the birth of a low birth weight baby, and even the risk of changes in the child's development.

Due to all the implications that early pregnancy can cause, this type of pregnancy is considered a high-risk pregnancy and must be accompanied by qualified health professionals to avoid or lessen the impact of the consequences. Know the risks of teenage pregnancy.

Causes of early pregnancy

The main causes of early pregnancy are due to several different factors, but can include:

  • First menstruation very early; Misinformation about pregnancy and contraceptive methods; Low financial and social level; Families with other cases of early pregnancy; Conflicts and bad family environment.

Early pregnancy can happen in any social class, but it is more frequent in low-income families, since often young women, due to the family's lack of goals or incentives in relation to studies, come to believe that having a child represents a life project.

What to do in case of teenage pregnancy

In the event of an early pregnancy, what the young woman can do is make an appointment for a medical appointment to start prenatal care and tell her family to get the necessary support.

Psychologists and obstetricians, as well as nurses and social workers must be informed so that there is a correct prenatal surveillance to reduce complications in the mother and baby. This type of monitoring also helps to prevent a new pregnancy in adolescence and to encourage the young mother to return to school.

See what care is taken during teenage pregnancy.

Early pregnancy