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Homemade masks to moisturize different types of hair


Each type of hair has its own hydration needs and, therefore, there are several homemade, economical and effective masks that can be used. It is possible to guarantee the hydration of the threads with natural products such as cornstarch, avocado, honey and yogurt, combining its use with some natural oils, such as olive oil, almond oil, argan oil or coconut oil, which hydrate and nourish deeply the hair strands.

To achieve a deep and professional hydration at home, it is necessary to avoid making the mask in the bath so as not to dilute the product, just as it is recommended to apply the mask on the strands strand by strand, always from top to bottom.

How to Moisturize Different Hair Types

1. Curly hair

Curly hair tends to be drier because the natural oil from the root does not reach the ends, so the ideal solution is to moisturize your hair 2 to 3 times a week. To do this, you can choose to use a homemade Maisena mask, which can be prepared as follows:

Maisena homemade mask:

  • Ingredients: 2 tablespoons of Maisena + 2 tablespoons of moisturizing mask + 1 tablespoon of coconut oil; How to prepare: put 1 cup of water in a pan and add the 2 tablespoons of cornstarch. Take to the fire for a few minutes until the mixture acquires the consistency of a hair mask. Remove from heat and let cool. Finally, mix all the ingredients and apply them to your hair.

See other recipes for homemade and natural masks to hydrate curly hair.

2. Curly hair

Curly hair is generally drier and breaks easily, which is why it needs daily care that allows for good hydration. To moisturize this type of hair, the avocado and mayonnaise mask is a great option and can be prepared as follows:

Homemade mask of avocado and mayonnaise:

  • Ingredients: 1 ripe avocado + 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise + 1 tablespoon of almond oil; How to prepare: peel and mash the avocado, then add mayonnaise and almond oil. Mix all the ingredients well and apply it to your hair like a mask.

This mask should be made 1 to 2 times a week and for combing, combing cream, serum or moisturizing mousse should be used.

3. Dry hair

Dry hair needs ingredients that provide shine, hydration and smoothness. For this, the honey and avocado mask is an excellent option, which can be prepared as follows:

Homemade honey and avocado mask:

  • Ingredients: 3 tablespoons of honey + 1 ripe avocado + 1 tablespoon of argan oil; How to prepare: peel and grind the avocado, then add honey and argan oil. Mix all the ingredients well and apply it to your hair like a mask.

See other homemade recipes to moisturize dry and damaged hair

4. Dyed hair

Colored hair also needs a lot of attention, as if they are not regularly hydrated they tend to dry and break. For this, a banana mask with honey is a good option:

Banana mask with honey

  • Ingredients: 1 ripe banana + 1 jar of natural yogurt + 3 tablespoons of honey + 1 tablespoon of olive oil; How to prepare: peel the bananas, then add honey, yogurt and olive oil. Mix all the ingredients well and apply it to your hair like a mask.

5. Brittle and dry hair

Brittle and lifeless hair needs daily care and must be hydrated 1 to 2 times a week. In these cases, the most suitable is the glycerin mask, which can be prepared as follows:

Glycerin mask:

  • Ingredients: 1 cap of bi-distilled liquid glycerin + 2 spoons of moisturizing mask of your choice; How to prepare: mix the glycerin with the moisturizing mask and apply it to the hair.

6. Blond hair

Blond hair needs not only hydration but also products that help to revive and maintain its color, so it is recommended to use a chamomile and cornstarch mask.

Chamomile and cornstarch mask:

  • Ingredients: 2 tablespoons of dried Chamomile flowers or 2 tea bags + 2 tablespoons of Maisena + 2 tablespoons of moisturizer; How to prepare: boil 1 cup of water and add the chamomile. Cover and let stand for 10 to 15 minutes. Then, put the tea in a pan and add the 2 tablespoons of cornstarch and cook for a few minutes until the mixture has the consistency of a hair mask. Allow the mixture to cool and mix with the moisturizer.

See other ways to use chamomile to lighten your hair.

Step-by-step instructions for homemade hydration

Homemade hydrations, when done correctly, can work just as well as hydrations done in the salon. The difference is often in the details and that is why it should be done as follows:

  1. Start by washing your hair thoroughly with a shampoo of your choice; Remove excess water from the hair using a towel or paper towel or microfiber towels, which prevent frizz and reduce static electricity; Untangle the hair with a brush or comb and separate the hair into different parts using piranhas; Then start applying the mask on the bottom of the hair, strand by strand and from top to bottom, avoiding going too close to the root; Leave the homemade mask on for 20 minutes. To enhance the effect of the mask, you can choose to wrap a towel around your head or use a thermal cap.

Finally, remove the entire mask with plenty of water and comb and dry your hair as usual.

Homemade masks to moisturize different types of hair