Kaposi's sarcoma is a cancer that develops in the innermost layers of blood vessels and the most common manifestation is the appearance of red-purple skin lesions, which can appear anywhere on the body.
The cause of the appearance of Kaposi's sarcoma is infection by a subtype of virus in the herpes family called HHV 8, which can be transmitted sexually and through saliva. Infection with this virus is not sufficient for the appearance of cancer in healthy people, being necessary that the individual has a weakened immune system, as it happens in people with HIV or elderly.
There are 4 types of Kaposi's sarcoma:
- Classic: rare, of slow evolution and that affects mainly elderly men with compromised immune system; Endemic or African: quite aggressive and affecting young black people from Equatorial Africa; Post-transplant: appears after transplantation, mainly of kidneys, when the individuals have a weakened immune system; Associated with AIDS: more aggressive form of cancer and with rapid development.
Kaposi's sarcoma can be fatal when it reaches the blood vessels of other organs, such as the lungs, liver or gastrointestinal tract, causing bleeding that is difficult to control.
What symptoms
The most common symptoms of Kaposi's sarcoma are red-purple skin lesions spread throughout the body and swelling of the lower limbs due to fluid retention. On black skin, the lesions can be brown or black.
In the most severe cases, in which Kaposi's sarcoma affects the gastrointestinal system, the liver or the lungs, bleeding may occur in these organs, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting.
When the cancer reaches the lungs, it can cause respiratory failure, chest pain and blood sputum release.
What is the diagnosis
The diagnosis of Kaposi's sarcoma can be performed through a biopsy in which cells are removed for analysis, an X-ray to detect any changes in the lungs or an endoscopy to detect gastrointestinal changes.
How the treatment is done
Kaposi's sarcoma is curable, but it depends on the condition of the disease, age and the state of the patient's immune system.
The treatment of Kaposi's sarcoma can be done through chemotherapy, radiotherapy, immunotherapy and medication. The use of antiretroviral drugs also helps to reduce the development of the disease and promotes the regression of skin lesions, especially in AIDS patients.
In some cases, surgery may be performed, which is usually indicated in people who have a small number of injuries, in which they are removed.