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Learn how to identify lice infestation


Pediculosis is the scientific name given to a lice infestation, which appears with some regularity in school children. This type of infestation can happen at any time of life, including adults, and can occur not only on the head, but also on the body, eyelashes, eyebrows or in the pubic hair region.

The louse is a parasite that does not fly or jump but passes from one person to another through direct contact with the hair of a person with lice or through the use of brushes, combs, hats, pillows or sheets. These parasites feed only on blood, live an average of 30 days and multiply very quickly, as each female lays between 7 to 10 nits per day.

How to Identify Head Lice

Infestation of lice on the head and scalp, also known as capillary pediculosis, is the most common in children and causes symptoms such as:

  • Intense itching on the scalp; Small head wounds; Small white dots appear on the scalp.

The white dots are reminiscent of dandruff and can only be seen when the scalp is examined very closely, indicating the presence of nits. Head lice are brown or black, so they are more difficult to observe because they are easily confused with hair.

The treatment for head lice infestation should be indicated by the doctor, and the use of lice shampoos, such as Deltacid or Escabin, is generally indicated. The use of shampoos can be combined with the use of a fine comb to remove lice and dead nits, which must be used after each hair wash.

How to Eliminate Head Lice and Nits

To eliminate lice infestation you must follow these 3 steps:

1. Use lice and nits shampoo

You should buy a shampoo against lice and nits at the pharmacy and wash your hair, leaving it to act for a few minutes as indicated on the packaging. Rinse and apply a conditioner or massage cream and comb your hair, removing all knots. Rinse with water and then towel dry.

There are also some home remedies that can be prepared based on vinegar, rue or cornmeal, for example, learn more at Home remedy for lice.

2. Use a fine comb

Then, with the hair still damp, run a fine comb through each strand of hair, taking care to check if the comb passes from the root of the hair. You can do this in a very clear place and put a white towel or sheet on the table, for example. Then ask the person to look down and toss the hair all the way forward so that when combing, the lice can fall on the sheet and are easily identified.

Do this until you have eliminated all the nits and lice from the person's head. You can repeat these two steps daily to ensure that no lice or nits remain.

Fine combs can be purchased at the supermarket or pharmacy, and there are also some newer models that are electronic and therefore kill the lice or the nit by touching them.

3. Use the lice remedy

If it is very difficult and laborious to find and eliminate lice with the previous tips, the doctor may prescribe taking an Ivermectin tablet, which is a deworming that acts against intestinal worms, but which has the same effect on lice infestation and nits.

Just take 200 mcg for each person's weight, in a single dose to completely eliminate lice.

4. Apply spray to prevent new lice

If there are people around with lice, you can prevent yourself by applying a lice repellent spray that you can buy at the pharmacy. This product is made with essential oils that release a smell that lice don't like and therefore they don't come close.

It is also recommended that the person with lice use their own hair comb, keep their hair up, do not lend others a hat or glasses. In addition, you should wash the personal objects and clothes of the person who has lice at 60 ÂșC, such as sheets, pillows or teddy bears, for example, in order to prevent the infection from spreading.

Check out these and other tips in the following video:

How to identify lice in pubic hair

Pubic hair lice infestation, also known as pubic pediculosis, is more common in adolescents or adults and causes symptoms such as:

  • Intense itching in the intimate region; Redness or small wounds in the intimate region; Appearance of small white dots in the intimate region.

Pubic hair lice infestation occurs through intimate contact with an infected person or through sharing infested objects, such as towels or underwear.

Pubic pediculosis is considered an STD, and to avoid it, it is recommended to maintain good body hygiene and ensure that the choice of sexual partner is made carefully. The treatment of this STD should be indicated by a gynecologist or urologist, and the use of antiparasitic drugs such as Ivermectin is indicated. In addition, to complete the treatment, careful removal of lice with tweezers or a fine comb is indicated. Learn more at Pubic Lice Treatment.

Learn how to identify lice infestation