Home Symptoms Dangers of an acidic diet

Dangers of an acidic diet


An acidic diet is one in which foods such as coffee, soda, vinegar and eggs are regularly consumed, which naturally increases the acidity of the blood. This type of food favors the loss of muscle mass, kidney stones, fluid retention and even decreased mental capacity.

The main problem is to consume these foods in greater quantities, because the ideal is to have a balance between acidic and alkaline foods such as cucumber, cabbage, parsley and cilantro. The ideal is the consumption of 60% alkaline foods and 40% acidic foods so that the body can function in perfect harmony.

Main risks of an acidic diet

The following are some of the dangers of a more acidic diet:

  • Loss of organic potassium and magnesium, generating high blood pressure and inflammation Loss of muscle massIrritation of the urinary system, leading to increased and painful urinary frequencyThere are greater risks of kidney stonesLow hormone releaseIncreased production of toxinsLower efficiency in energy productionIncreased fluid retentionChanging intestinal floraReduction of mental ability

The blood must have a neutral pH, which is one of the essential factors to ensure the proper functioning of the blood, organs and tissues, thus ensuring the maintenance of health. A more alkaline diet reduces the wear and tear of the body in keeping the blood neutral and the body healthier.

Dangers of an acidic diet