Home Home-Remedies Aromatherapy to fight depression

Aromatherapy to fight depression


An excellent all-natural option to fight depression and increase the effect of the treatment indicated by the doctor is the use of aromatherapy.

In this technique, essential oils from plants and fruits are used which, when inhaled, act at the brain level, increasing the production of hormones that relieve the classic symptoms of depression, such as mood swings, discouragement and excessive tiredness.

See also some home remedies that can help in the treatment of depression.

Some of the oils that have scientific proof in improving mood and reducing depression are:

1. Grapefruit

Grapefruit essential oil, scientifically known as Citrus paradisi , is cold extracted from the skin of this fruit and is very rich in active substances such as limonene or alpha-pinene, which act on the brain, increasing the production and release of serotonin, an important hormone for maintaining good mood.

In addition, on a psychological level, grapefruit essential oil also seems to stimulate and invigorate, being an important ally in increasing energy and reducing everyday tension.

Cautions when using this oil

Because it is stimulating, grapefruit oil should be avoided by pregnant women without guidance from a doctor or naturopath. In addition, it is an oil that causes photosensitivity and, therefore, it is recommended to avoid exposing yourself to the sun immediately after taking inhalations and, if possible, during treatment with this oil.

2. Ilangue-ilangue

Ilangue-ilangue essential oil is an essence that has a very complete therapeutic effect on an emotional and psychological level, as it seems to be able to balance the entire central nervous system, reducing negative emotions and combating apathy.

It also fights other symptoms that are very common in people with depression, such as insomnia, obsessive thoughts and lack of self-confidence.

Cautions when using this oil

The use of this oil should not be abused, as its strong smell can cause nausea and headaches in some people.

3. Melissa

Melissa officinalis , popularly known as lemon balm, is a plant widely used in the form of tea for its calming and relaxing effects. However, its essential oil also has similar properties, being able to act on the brain and balance the emotions of depressive people more sensitive to daily tension.

In addition, due to its citrus scent, which derives from its rich citral composition, the essential oil of melissa has an action on nicotinic receptors, helping with tobacco withdrawal. This effect is especially important, as many people with depression become addicted to cigarettes as a way to relieve stress.

Cautions when using this oil

No special precautions are known for the use of Melissa officinalis , however, during pregnancy its use must be supervised by a doctor or naturopath.

4. Nardo

Lemon grass , known scientifically as Nardostachys jatamansi , is excellent in cases of depression, especially in people who are based on a loving heartbreak, helping to develop acceptance. In addition, its aroma is very comforting, bringing peace of mind.

Cautions when using this oil

Lemongrass is a strong oil that can cause skin irritation. For this reason, it should not be applied to the skin or near the eyes. In pregnancy it should only be used with the guidance of a doctor or naturopath.

How to use these oils correctly

The way to use the essential oil with the best therapeutic effect is the direct inhalation of the bottle, because that way the oil molecules can reach the brain quickly, causing rapid changes in emotions.

To make the inhalation correctly, open the cap, place the bottle close to the nose and inhale deeply, then keep the air inside the lungs for 2 to 3 seconds and release the air through the mouth again. Initially, you should take 3 inhalations in succession several times a day, but over time you should increase to 5 or 7 inhalations.

Aromatherapy to fight depression