Home Symptoms Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (pbe): symptoms and treatment

Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (pbe): symptoms and treatment


Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, also known only as PBE, is an infection of the ascites fluid in patients with liver cirrhosis or another untreated liver problem. Ascites is usually characterized by a swelling of the belly that arises as a complication of cirrhosis.

To be considered a spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, there must be no other source of infection in the abdominal region.

Because it is a serious infection, EBP should be diagnosed as soon as possible. Thus, whenever there is a suspicion of infection in a person with ascites, it is important to go quickly to the hospital, to confirm the diagnosis and start the appropriate treatment, which is usually done with hospitalization and administration of antibiotics directly into the blood.

Main symptoms

The most common symptoms in cases of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis are:

  • Diffuse abdominal pain; Fever above 38ÂșC; Sore belly, especially when touched; Yellow skin and eyes; Red spots on the skin, in the form of a web; Vomiting and nausea.

In addition, in some cases there may be periods of confusion and decreased urine output.

When any of these symptoms appear in a person with ascites due to liver problems, it is very important to go to the emergency room immediately, to identify the problem and start the most appropriate treatment.

Also check out some symptoms that may indicate liver problems.

How to confirm the diagnosis

In some cases, the diagnosis can be made only through medical evaluation of the symptoms, as well as the person's history.

However, and as the symptoms can often be a sign of other problems, the doctor may order an analysis of the ascites fluid to confirm the presence of an infection. To make this analysis, the doctor needs to insert a needle in the belly and collect some of the liquid that is accumulated, and then send it to the laboratory.

How the treatment is done

Treatment for spontaneous bacterial peritonitis can be started even before the infection is confirmed, as it is a serious complication, it should be treated as soon as possible. Thus, it is common for the doctor to administer an antibiotic directly into the vein, such as Cefotaxime or Ofloxacin, for 5 to 10 days.

However, the antibiotic, as well as the dose and duration of treatment, may vary over time, according to the results of the laboratory examination and the evolution of symptoms.

In addition, as there is a risk of kidney problems, it is also common for people who are undergoing treatment for EBP to also receive other fluids in the vein, especially albumin, to increase blood volume and facilitate kidney function.

Who is most at risk of having PBE

Although it is a serious complication, EBP is relatively common in people with ascites due to liver problems such as cirrhosis. However, the incidence of this problem appears to be higher in people with risk factors such as:

  • Lack of treatment for liver problems; Immune system problems; Alteration of intestinal flora; Excessive use of alcoholic beverages; Insufficient intake of vitamins and nutrients.

People with a history of upper gastrointestinal bleeding also appear to be at increased risk of developing spontaneous bacterial peritonitis.

Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (pbe): symptoms and treatment