Home Bulls Sativex



The remedy Mevatyl, also known as Sativex is a remedy in the form of a mouth spray, based on Cannabidiol which is the extract of marijuana ( Cannabis Sativa) , used in the treatment of multiple sclerosis, to improve muscle stiffness.

Sativex is the name of this remedy when marketed in Europe and Mevatyl is its name in Brazil. It is produced by GW Pharma laboratories and sold as a liquid in a 5.5 ml or 10 ml glass spray bottle.

The use of Mevatyl should be done under medical prescription and should only be maintained if, after 4 weeks of a trial period, muscle stiffness improves.


Mevatyl is used to improve muscle stiffness in patients with multiple sclerosis, when other remedies have not been effective.

How to use

Sativex should only be sprayed in the mouth, on the inside of the cheek or under the tongue, and the number of sprays per day must be established by the doctor and according to the following table:

Days Use between 7 am and 4 pm Use between 16h and 23h Total day quantity
1 0 1 1
2 0 1 1
3 0 2 2
4 0 2 2
5 1 2 3
6 1 3 4
7 1 4 5
8 2 4 6
9 2 5 7
10 3 5 8
11 3 6 9
12 4 6 10
13 4 7 11
14 5 7 12

The sprays can be distributed regularly during the day, however, it is necessary to take an interval of at least 15 minutes between each spray.

Side effects

Side effects of Sativex include dizziness, drowsiness, confusion, depression, feeling of hyper-arousal, memory and concentration problems, blurred vision, feeling sick, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, weakness, loss of balance and hallucinations. In addition, Sativex as it is sprayed in the mouth, can cause burning, pain or ulcers in the mouth, changes in the color of the mouth or teeth, red and swollen mouth and changes in the taste.

The most common effects are agitation, difficulty concentrating, drowsiness, dizziness, blurred vision, difficulty in speaking, increased or decreased appetite, constipation or diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, weakness, malaise, feeling of intoxication, imbalance and falls.


Mevatyl is contraindicated in breastfeeding, in patients who are hypersensitive to marijuana extracts or another component of the formula, and in patients who have schizophrenia, psychosis or other psychiatric illness, or have close family members with these problems.

In case of pregnancy, previous drug abuse, under 18 years of age, the elderly, or patients with epilepsy, seizures, liver, kidney or heart problems, consult a doctor before using Sativex.

Click on Cannabidiol and learn more about marijuana-based remedies.
