Home Bulls Symptoms of stress and anxiety (and how to control)

Symptoms of stress and anxiety (and how to control)


Stress and constant anxiety can cause several problems such as weight gain, irritable bowel syndrome and stomach ulcer, in addition to facilitating the occurrence of infectious diseases, such as influenza, and contributing to the onset of cancer, for example.

Weight gain occurs because stress normally leads to high production of cortisol, which is a hormone responsible for controlling stress, keeping blood sugar and blood pressure levels stable and contributing to the proper functioning of the immune system. Learn about other causes of rapid weight gain.

Thus, excess cortisol increases the accumulation of fat in the body, especially in the abdomen, in addition to making the immune system weaker, which enhances the development of infections.

What can indicate stress or anxiety

Stress and anxiety are manifested through some symptoms, such as:

  • Heart and rapid breathing; Sweating, especially in the hands; Tremors and dizziness; Dry mouth; Stuck voice and a feeling of lump in the throat; Biting the nails; Frequent urge to urinate and stomach pain.

However, when these symptoms are common, there may be others, such as:

  • Changes in sleep, such as sleeping little or too much while remaining tired; Muscle pain; Changes in the skin, especially pimples; High blood pressure; Changes in appetite, with increased or loss of desire to eat; Difficulty concentrating and frequent forgetfulness.

Most people have suffered from stressful situations at school, family or at work, however, minor situations like losing things or being in a traffic jam are also common causes of stress. See the difference in symptoms between physical and emotional stress.

Do stress and anxiety mean the same?

Stress and anxiety are expressions used to mean the same thing, however, stress is associated with any situation or thought that causes frustration and nervousness, which ends up spontaneously.

Anxiety, on the other hand, is related to irrational fear, distress, excessive worry, anguish and enormous inner discomfort due to the feeling of danger and uncertainty that is more common in psychiatric illnesses, as occurs in depression. Learn to recognize an anxiety crisis.

Thus, stress is, in most cases, the feeling of loss of control of the situation and usually contributes to better performance because it can become motivating. However, when this reaction is very exaggerated, it lasts for many days or months, it can be harmful to health.

What happens if I don't manage stress?

Stress must be controlled in order to prevent the development of diseases such as:

  • Irritable bowel syndrome, which is characterized by uncontrolled bowel; Metabolic syndrome, which leads to weight gain, diabetes and high blood pressure; Stomach ulcer; Hair loss and brittle nails.

In addition, the risk of developing infectious diseases, such as flu or herpes, is greater because the immune system is weakened.

How to control stress and anxiety effectively

In order to control the symptoms that cause stress and anxiety it is important to occupy the mind with positive thoughts and breathe correctly, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly.

Other strategies that can help are drinking chamomile or valerian tea, or drinking an orange and passion fruit juice that help you relax. Learn more tips that can help control anxiety.

Remedies for stress and anxiety

When treating with natural remedies or relaxation techniques, it is recommended that the person go to the psychologist or psychiatrist so that the cause of stress and anxiety can be identified and, thus, treatment can be done according to the cause.

In addition, in some cases, the psychiatrist may recommend the use of some medications, such as Alprazolam or Diazepam, for example. See other remedies for anxiety.

Watch the video to know all the foods that can help you get rid of stress:

Symptoms of stress and anxiety (and how to control)