Home Pregnancy Pregnancy in man

Pregnancy in man


Some men become psychologically pregnant, showing the same symptoms as their wife's pregnancy. This happens when they get very emotionally involved, during pregnancy and the name of this condition is Couvade Syndrome.

In this case, the man may feel sick, have an urge to urinate, feel dizzy or be always hungry. But in addition to that they also tend to be concerned about the health of the woman and the baby and although they do not show in the same way they can also present anxiety, fear and insecurity about the future and how will be their relationship with the woman and the baby that is coming.

Main changes in men during pregnancy

During pregnancy it is normal for a whirlwind of emotions to affect the couple, especially the woman because for approximately 280 days her body will undergo intense transformations that involve many hormonal changes, but also the man due to the responsibility that is demanded by society.

The main changes that can affect men during pregnancy are:

1. Having the same pregnancy symptoms as the woman

This can be defined as couver syndrome, couvade syndrome, or more popularly, sympathetic pregnancy. In these cases, men get fat, get morning sickness, and may even experience pain during the woman's labor.

These changes do not show any health problem, indicating only that the man is completely involved with the pregnancy. Usually, the man does not show all the symptoms, but it is common to get sick whenever his wife has this symptom.

  • What to do: There is no need to worry because it just shows how emotionally involved he is with the pregnancy.

2. Desire more intimate contact

The man can feel even more attracted to the woman when she is pregnant because with the increase of blood circulation in the vagina region the woman becomes even more lubricated and more sensitive, in addition to feeling more attractive because she no longer has to worry about the ' belly ', which can now be a source of pride.

  • What to do: Enjoy the moments together, because with the arrival of the baby the woman may not have so much sexual desire, nor feel attractive avoiding intimate contact in the baby's first months.

3. Getting worried

As soon as the man receives the news that he will be a father, he is inundated by an avalanche of emotions. When the couple was trying to get pregnant the man can be moved and show all the love he feels for his partner. However, when pregnancy happens without waiting, he can be very concerned about the future, due to the responsibility of being a parent and having to raise a child. In some families the news may not be as well received, but generally when the baby is born everything is resolved.

  • What to do: Plan the future responsibly so that you can feel at peace and security. Talking and making plans with your partner is essential for building a new family.

Tips for improving intimacy in pregnancy

Some great tips to improve intimacy and complicity between the couple during pregnancy are:

  • Always go to the prenatal exams together; Buy everything necessary for the woman and the baby together and Chat daily about what the couple is feeling and about the changes that are happening.

Thus, the man can feel closer to the woman and the baby, which is also a special moment for him. In addition, taking pictures together showing the growth of the tummy can help keep the memory that this was a special moment and desired by both.

Pregnancy in man