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Lichen sclerosus: what it is, symptoms and treatment


Lichen sclerosus, also known as lichen sclerosus and atrophic, is a chronic dermatosis characterized by changes in the genital region and that can happen in men and women of any age, being more frequent in postmenopausal women.

This skin disease is characterized by the appearance of whitish lesions in the genital region, in addition to running, local irritation and flaking. The cause of lichen sclerosus is not yet well established, but it is believed that its appearance is related to genetic and immunological changes.

The treatment for lichen sclerosus aims to relieve symptoms and prevent the appearance of new changes, and it is important that the treatment be done according to the recommendation of the gynecologist or dermatologist, in which the use of ointments with corticosteroids, for example, may be indicated.

Symptoms of lichen sclerosus

Symptoms of lichen sclerosus usually appear in the genital region, the main ones being:

  • Appearance of blisters on the skin around the anus and on the male or female genitals; Appearance of reddish-white patches; The skin of the region becomes thinner or, in some cases, thickening of the skin of the site may be noticed; Peeling and cracking of the skin; Itching and skin irritation, especially at night; Pain when urinating, defecating and during intimate contact; Presence of itching; Change in the color of the site.

It is not yet known what are the real causes associated with lichen sclerosus, but some studies suggest that its occurrence may be related to infection with Human Papillomavirus, HPV, or with overexpression of p53, which is a protein involved in the regulation of cell cycle. In addition, it is believed that the development of lichen planus is related to genetic and immunological factors.

How is the diagnosis

The diagnosis of lichen sclerosus must be made by the gynecologist, urologist or dermatologist based on the observation and evaluation of the symptoms presented by the person. In addition, a biopsy should be requested by the doctor, and a sample of the injured tissue must be collected so that the characteristics of the cells can be verified and the hypothesis of skin cancer can be ruled out.

How the treatment is done

Treatment for atrophic lichen sclerosus should be guided by a dermatologist, a gynecologist, in the case of women, or a urologist, in the case of men, and is usually done with the use of corticoid ointments, such as Clobetasol Propionate, applied daily about the affected region. In addition, during treatment, it is important to:

  • Avoid scratching the affected places; Wear tight, preferably cotton clothes; Avoid wearing underwear at night, when lichen sclerosis appears in the genital region; Maintain proper hygiene of the place with water and mild soap.

In some cases, your doctor may also recommend the use of antihistamine remedies, such as Cetirizine or Desloratadine, to relieve itching and swelling of skin areas.

Lichen sclerosus: what it is, symptoms and treatment