Measles is very rare in pregnancy but it can happen in women who have not been vaccinated against measles and have been in contact with people infected with this disease.
Although rare, measles in pregnancy can lead to serious complications such as premature birth and an increased risk of miscarriage, and it is important that treatment is started and accompanied by an obstetrician. See what are the 8 most common questions about measles.
A pregnant woman who has not had the measles vaccine is at risk of becoming infected with the disease and should avoid contact with people from other countries as much as possible, as not all countries have mass vaccination campaigns and one person it may be contaminated and have not yet developed the characteristic symptoms of the disease and thus contaminate the pregnant woman.
Can you get the vaccine in pregnancy?
Vaccination during pregnancy is not recommended, since the vaccine is made with the virus that transmits measles with decreased activity, which can lead to the appearance of measles symptoms. Thus, if vaccination occurs during pregnancy, there can be serious complications, since the woman's immune system is compromised. In addition, cases of malformation due to contamination of the pregnant woman were not diagnosed, that is, the baby is not at risk of being born with measles if the mother has become ill.
If the woman is trying to conceive and has not been vaccinated during childhood, it is recommended that the vaccine be taken immediately and only after 1 to 3 months of the application of the vaccine start attempts to become pregnant. The woman can get the specific measles vaccine or viral triple vaccine, which also guarantees protection against rubella and mumps, which is more recommended. Learn more about the triple viral vaccine.
Measles symptoms in pregnancy
Check the symptoms below and find out if you may have measles:
- 1. Fever above 38ยบ C Yes No
- 2. Sore throat and dry cough Yes No
- 3. Muscle pain and excessive tiredness Yes No
- 4. Red spots on the skin, without relief, which spread throughout the body Yes No
- 5. Red spots on the skin that do not itch Yes No
- 6. White spots inside the mouth, each surrounded by a red ring Yes No
- 7. Conjunctivitis or Redness in the eyes Yes No
Measles Treatment in Pregnancy
Treatment for measles during pregnancy should be done under the guidance of the obstetrician and aims to control symptoms. If there is a fever, the doctor may recommend the use of Paracetamol, however, it is important that the woman seeks other treatment alternatives.
To reduce fever without medication, cold water baths are recommended and avoid staying in very hot places. In addition, cold water compresses placed on the forehead from time to time also help to lower the fever.
It may also be recommended to apply a serum that contains specific antibodies against the antigens of the viruses, which promotes the fight against the disease, reduces symptoms and does not represent risks for the woman or the baby.
Learn more about measles in the following video: