Home Bulls Intestinal infection in the baby: symptoms, diet and remedies

Intestinal infection in the baby: symptoms, diet and remedies


Infant intestinal infection is a very common disease in childhood that happens when the body reacts against the entry of viruses, bacteria, parasites or fungi in the gastrointestinal tract, which can cause symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, nausea and fever in the child.

The treatment of this infection is done with rest, adequate diet and fluid intake, including water, milk, coconut water or homemade serum every 15 minutes, to avoid dehydration. In case of bacterial intestinal infection in children, and in special cases, treatment can also be done with antibiotics, always prescribed by the pediatrician:

  • Ciprofloxacin; Ceftriaxone; Cotrimoxazole.

Remedies for diarrhea or feeling sick are not indicated, as diarrhea is a defensive reaction of the intestine, which is trying to eliminate the offending agent and, in addition, the child has a tendency to vomit the drugs, and in suppositories, the intestine angry can't absorb them. Analgesic remedies, such as Ibuprofen or Paracetamol, for example, should only be used only in cases of fever and body pain and always under the guidance of the pediatrician.

Usually, fever and nausea disappear in the first 2 or 3 days, but the child's recovery varies from 4 to 5 days, and can reach a week or more. However, if the child's intestinal infection is not treated, the child may become dehydrated and develop other complications, such as lesions in the intestinal mucosa, metabolic loss or malnutrition.

Diet for Infant Intestinal Infection

The diet for infant intestinal infection should include:

  • Foods prepared in puree form, boiled or grilled; Soups or chicken soup with little oil and spices; Crackers, maria or cornstarch; Strained natural juices; Peeled fruits or vegetables.

It is important to avoid fried foods, whole grain breads, cereals, bran, industrialized snacks, sweets, stuffed cookies, chocolate, soft drinks and cow's milk.

Symptoms of intestinal infection in the baby

Symptoms of infection of the infant intestine, as well as symptoms of intestinal infection in a baby include:

  • Diarrhea; Intense abdominal pain that makes the child cry; Fever; Vomiting; Sickness.

Infant intestinal infection with blood occurs in the most severe cases of intestinal infection caused by bacteria, also known as dysentery, which can cause blood and mucus to escape in the stool.

What causes the infection

Infant intestinal infection is usually caused by viruses, through contact with contaminated saliva or feces, during diaper changes or in contact with a sick child's toys.

However, intestinal infection in babies can also be caused by bacteria, through contact or consumption of contaminated water, juices, ingestion of spoiled foods, fruits and vegetables that have been in places with infected animals. Thus, it is very important to give the baby only boiled or filtered water and to adopt good hygiene care, including when preparing food.

Intestinal infection in the baby: symptoms, diet and remedies