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Slim intense


Slim Intense is an ideal food supplement to lose weight and lose volume, as it helps to slim the body and eliminate the retained fluids.

Slim Intense should be taken throughout the day and can be purchased at food supplement stores, as well as at some health food stores or on the internet in the form of capsules and should only be used after the recommendation of a doctor or nutritionist.

Slim Intense Price

The Slim Intense costs on average 82 reais.

Slim Intense indications

The use of Slim Intense should only be done by indication of a nutritionist or doctor and, it is generally recommended when:

  • Control appetite, leading to less eating; Improve fluid retention; Decrease body weight and volume; Decrease the absorption of carbohydrates and fats.

Generally, this weight loss supplement should only be taken for 15 consecutive days, however, you should follow the doctor or nutritionist's instructions.

Composition of Slim Intense

The Slim Intense supplement consists of 90 red capsules and 30 green capsules that have different functions and should be taken with meals. Thus:

  • Red capsules: lead to delayed absorption of fats and sugars, contributing to increased satiety, as they contain glucomannan, chromium, nopal and green coffee. Green capsules: they have a diuretic effect, which help to eliminate the accumulated liquids, thinning the body, as they have herbs such as dandelion, mackerel, nettle, parsley, beards of corn and a stick of gold.

The supplement should be used as a supplement to healthy eating. Read more at: Weight loss with dietary reeducation.

How to take Slim Intense

For the supplement to have the desired results you must take:

Breakfast 2 red capsules 30 minutes before
Breakfast 2 green capsules With the meal
Lunch 2 red capsules 1 hour before
Dinner 2 red capsules 1 hour before

The capsules should always be taken with a glass of water and, during one day, you will take 8 capsules, 6 red and 2 green.

Contraindications for Slim Intense

Slim Intense is contraindicated during pregnancy, breastfeeding and when indicated is allergic to any of the product's components.

Slim intense