Home Home-Remedies Natural solutions for urinary tract infection

Natural solutions for urinary tract infection


A good way to cure urinary tract infection at home is by taking a sitz bath with vinegar because the vinegar changes the pH of the intimate region, fighting the proliferation of harmful bacteria in that region.

Having a tea prepared with herbs such as java, mackerel and other stick is also an excellent option, due to its diuretic properties that stimulate urine production.

But although these are great strategies to combat pain and burning when urinating, in the persistence of these symptoms, it is recommended to go to the doctor and perform the urine test to find out if you really have a urinary tract infection. In some cases the doctor may prescribe the use of antibiotics for the treatment and, in this case, this herbal tea will be great to complement this treatment.

Sitz bath with vinegar


  • We have a wide range of products to choose from, including:

Method of preparation:

Place the vinegar inside the bowl with warm water and mix well and then sit inside the bowl without underwear for at least 20 minutes. Do the vaginal wash with this same mixture.

3 herbal tea

A great natural solution for urinary tract infection is to drink herbal tea prepared with java tea, horsetail and golden stick because all these medicinal plants help to fight the bacteria that cause this infection.


  • In addition, we are able to provide you with a wide range of services, including:

Method of preparation

Just put all the ingredients in a container and let it stand for about 10 minutes. Strain and then take it, still warm, several times a day, without sweetening because sugar can diminish its effect.

In addition, it is also recommended to drink plenty of water during the day because the more you pee, the faster you will be cured of urinary tract infection. To protect yourself it is advisable to avoid using public toilets, always clean up after using the toilet and washing your hands frequently.

For more tips on simple strategies that help fight urinary tract infection watch the following video:

Natural solutions for urinary tract infection