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Natural solution for swollen belly


To relieve the symptoms of a swollen, swollen and hard belly, it is recommended to stop consuming foods that ferment in the intestine, such as foods with gluten, lactose, such as milk and dairy products, and foods with yeast, such as white bread and cakes, for example. In addition, if the reason for the swelling of the belly is really the diet, it may be interesting to drink green tea and consume fiber, for example.

Some remedies to eliminate gas and abdominal pain may be Luftal or activated charcoal tablets.

Another very important tip to end abdominal bloating is the regular practice of physical exercises, which improves intestinal functioning and the elimination of gases, which works very well when you know that the increase in the belly is not about localized fat, but, yes, from a temporary change, where the belly is swollen, hard and painful, as in the case of constipation, gas or close to menstruation, for example.

What to do to deflate the belly

In case of a swollen belly, what you can do is take 1 fiber capsule or consume foods rich in fiber, such as black prune and papaya. Fibers are important to help mobilize the fecal cake, facilitating the elimination of accumulated feces and gases. Meet other fiber-rich foods.

Green tea or gorse tea are also indicated for cases where the swollen belly is caused by fluid retention, as occurs before menstruation, for example, as they promote better renal filtration, eliminating excess fluids from the body more easily. To make the tea just put 1 spoon of the dried leaves of the chosen herb in a cup and cover with boiling water. Then cover, let it warm, strain and drink next. Here are some tea options to deflate the belly.

How to avoid a swollen and stiff belly

To avoid a swollen belly, it is recommended that food substitutions be made according to the nutritionist's recommendation, such as:

  • Replacement of ordinary bread by "pita" type bread and special gluten-free toast, as well as cereal or any food containing wheat; Exchange of milk and derivatives for soy-based products, for example; Replacement of soda and industrialized juices with water and water and coconut, because in addition to having fewer calories, they facilitate digestion; Exchange of red meats, sausages and canned products for grilled white meat without sauce and fresh products.

In addition, it is recommended to replace sweets and fried foods with seasonal fruits with peel and whole or grilled roasts.

Foods that cause puffy belly

Other foods that also cause bloated bellies are beans and grains, such as peas, lentils and chickpeas, cabbage, broccoli and sweet potatoes. All of them should be avoided as they favor the formation of gases and the retention of liquids.

After 1 week, evaluate the results and decide if it is worth eliminating these foods from day-to-day completely. However, it is important to remember to substitute other foods with an equivalent nutritional component. Check out some tips to deflate the belly.

Natural solution for swollen belly