Home Home-Remedies Homemade solution to treat sinusitis

Homemade solution to treat sinusitis


Sinusitis is inflammation of the sinuses, which leads to a feeling of heaviness in the head, stuffy nose and headache, which can be caused by allergy or infection by viruses or bacteria, for example. Learn all about sinusitis.

A good natural way to treat sinusitis is with a saline solution with bicarbonate that helps to unclog the nose. In addition, another option to unclog your nose and relieve sinus symptoms is to rest, eat warm food and drink pineapple juice, which has anti-inflammatory properties. Check out 7 natural ways to cure sinusitis.

Saline solution to unclog the nose

Saline solution for sinusitis is a homemade recipe to wash and unclog your nose during sinusitis, helping to relieve the symptoms and discomfort of nasal and facial congestion.


  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda; 2 teaspoons of sea salt; 250 ml of boiled water.

Method of preparation

To prepare the serum, add baking soda and sea salt in 250 ml of boiled water. Insert the prepared solution, preferably slightly warm, into the nostrils with the help of a dropper, a syringe or a mug to wash the nostrils, 2 to 3 times a day or when deemed necessary.

If it is necessary to save the solution to unclog the nose, place the saline solution in a closed glass container and store in a dry environment at room temperature and never for more than 5 days.

Find out more homemade recipes to unclog your nose and relieve sinus symptoms by watching this video:

Homemade solution to treat sinusitis