Home Bulls Spiriva



Spiriva is a bronchodilator medication whose active substance is Tiotropium.

This medication used by inhalation and local is indicated for the treatment of bronchitis and other diseases of the respiratory system. Its action acts on the receptors of smooth muscles causing their dilation and facilitating the entry of air.

Spiriva indications

Chronic bronchitis; pulmonary emphysema; obstructive and chronic lung disease.

Spiriva Price

The 4 ml bottle of Spiriva costs approximately 266 reais.

Side effects of Spiriva

Dry mouth; sinusitis; respiratory infection; cough; throat irritation; difficulty urinating.

Contraindications for Spiriva

Pregnancy risk C; lactating women; acute bronchospasm; under 18 years old; Hipersensibility to any of the formula's components.

How to use Spiriva

Use by inhalation


  • Inhale 18 mcg (1 capsule) of Spiriva once daily.