Home Bulls Pineapple juice to increase energy and have more disposition

Pineapple juice to increase energy and have more disposition


This pineapple juice with cabbage, pear and lemon is an excellent home remedy to increase energy and physical disposition and is also a powerful antioxidant that allows the elimination of toxins, fats and impurities from the body.


  • 250 g of pineapple2 pears1 leaves of kale butter ½ lemon juice 200 ml water sugar or stevia to taste


Method of preparation

Cut the pineapple into small pieces, peel the pears and remove their seeds and add all the ingredients in the blender. Drink at least 2 glasses of pineapple juice daily, because in addition to being energetic, this juice is refreshing, ideal for drinking on hot summer days.

Pineapple juice to increase energy and have more disposition