Pineapple juice is a good natural remedy to lower cholesterol, because it helps to normalize this dyslipidemia in the blood because it is rich in soluble fibers that improve intestinal transit and decrease the intake of cholesterol from food.
Pineapple is a very nutritious fruit because, in addition to avoiding high cholesterol, it is rich in vitamin C and B vitamins, avoiding diseases such as flu, colds, allergies and acting as a powerful antioxidant, but I use it does not exclude need to take the medicines indicated by the doctor and the food indicated by the nutritionist.
- We have a wide range of products to choose from, and we have a wide range of products to choose from.
Method of preparation
Just beat the pineapple and water in the blender until it is homogeneous and then add the sugar, which can be replaced by stevia, and the chia seeds. The ideal is to drink pineapple juice without straining, to ensure the presence of the fibers.
Watch the following video and also find out what foods to include in your diet to maintain healthy cholesterol levels: