Home Home-Remedies Broccoli juice to avoid exhaustion

Broccoli juice to avoid exhaustion


Broccoli juice is an excellent home remedy to combat tiredness because it is rich in iron and vitamin B5 that help the body recover the energy lost during some physical or mental activity that required a lot of effort.

Broccoli besides avoiding exhaustion brings other health benefits, this vegetable contains phytonutrients that help fight cancer and premature aging. Increase the intake of this vegetable, through juices, salads and hot meals, healthy eating habits are crucial for a good quality of life.

Broccoli juice recipe with pineapple



  • 1 small sprig of broccoli1 liter of water or 2 glasses of pineapple juice

Method of preparation

Wash the broccoli sprigs and add them in a blender together with the water. After beating well the juice is ready to be drunk, to have a sweeter taste, the water can be replaced by other fruit juices.

Broccoli juice to avoid exhaustion