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Chlorophyll juice to kill hunger and fight anemia


Chlorophyll is an excellent invigorator for the body and acts to eliminate toxins, improving metabolism and the weight loss process. In addition, chlorophyll is very rich in iron, making it a great natural supplement for iron deficiency anemia.

To increase chlorophyll consumption, to slim down or treat anemia, one of the easiest ways is to add chlorophyll to citrus fruit juice.

Recipe for Juice rich in chlorophyll

This juice can be taken in the morning on an empty stomach, in the afternoon snacks or before lunch, in the middle of the morning.


  • Half a lemon2 kale leaves2 lettuce leaves half cucumber half a glass of water2 mint leaves 1 teaspoon of honey

Preparation: Beat all ingredients in a blender.

Other benefits of chlorophyll

Chlorophyll is responsible for the green color of plants, so it is present in large quantities in cabbage, spinach, lettuce, chard, arugula, cucumber, chicory, parsley, coriander and algae, for example and helps:

  • Reduce hunger and favor weight loss, as it is present in high fiber foods; Reduce swelling of the pancreas in cases of pancreatitis; Improve wound healing, such as those caused by herpes; Prevent colon cancer by protecting the intestine from toxic substances that cause changes in cells; Act as an antioxidant, favoring liver detoxification; Prevent anemia, because it contains iron; Fight infections such as flu and candidiasis

The recommended amount of chlorophyll is 100 mg, 3 times a day which can be consumed in the form of spirulina, chlorella or in the leaves of barley or wheat. In the treatment of herpes, the creams should contain between 2 to 5 mg of chlorophyll for each gram of cream, and should be applied 3 to 6 times a day in the affected region. Another alternative is to consume one tablespoon of the concentrated chlorophyll supplement dissolved in 100 ml of liquid, and water or fruit juice can be used.

Where to find chlorophyll

The following table shows the amount of chlorophyll present in 1 cup of tea for each food.

Quantity in 1 cup of tea of ​​each food
Food Chlorophyll Food Chlorophyll
Spinach 23.7 mg Arugula 8.2 mg
Parsley 38 mg Leek 7.7 mg
Pod 8.3 mg Endive 5.2 mg

In addition to natural foods, chlorophyll can be purchased in pharmacies or health food stores in liquid form or as a dietary supplement in capsules.

How to make chlorophyll at home

To make chlorophyll at home and quickly prepare an energizing and detoxifying juice, quickly just plant barley or wheat seeds and let it grow until it reaches 15 cm in height. Then pass the green leaves in the centrifuge and freeze the liquid in cubes made in the ice tray. Frozen chlorophyll can also be used in soups as a nutritional supplement.

Chlorophyll contraindications

The use of chlorophyll supplements is contraindicated for children, pregnant and breastfeeding women, and for people who use anticoagulant drugs, such as Aspirin, because its high vitamin K content can favor clotting and interfere with the effect of the medication. People who use drugs for hypertension should be aware of the use of chlorophyll supplements, as their high magnesium content can contribute to a pressure drop beyond expectations.

In addition, chlorophyll in capsules should also be avoided when using medications that increase the skin's sensitivity to sunlight, such as antibiotics, pain medications and acne medications. It is also important to remember that the excessive consumption of this supplement can cause diarrhea and changes in the color of feces and urine, and increase the chances of sun spots caused by the sun, it is important to always use sunscreen.

For more recipes with chlorophyll, see 5 cabbage detox juices for weight loss.

Chlorophyll juice to kill hunger and fight anemia