Home Home-Remedies Tamarind juice to loosen the gut

Tamarind juice to loosen the gut


Tamarind juice is an excellent home remedy for constipation because this fruit is rich in dietary fibers that facilitate intestinal transit.

Tamarind is a fruit rich in vitamin A and B vitamins, in addition, it has laxative properties that soften the stool and reduce the symptoms of constipation.

This juice has a citrus flavor and few calories, but when sweetened with sugar it can become very caloric. If you want a light version you can use natural sweetener, like stevia, for example.


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Method of preparation

To prepare the juice just remove all the juice from the lemons with the help of a juicer, add it in the blender together with all the ingredients and beat well. Sweeten to taste.

To relieve the trapped intestine you should drink 2 glasses of this juice daily, and if it is a glass before lunch and dinner it will also decrease your appetite helping to lose weight.

People who have never taken tamarind juice may experience intestinal colic and very loose stools or even diarrhea. If this happens, you should stop taking tamarind juice, and consume home-made serum to replace fluids lost by diarrhea.

Tamarind juice helps you lose weight

Tamarind juice can be used to lose weight as long as it is not sweetened with sugar or honey, and as it helps to clean the intestine it can be a good help to eliminate toxins and improve overall health.

You can drink the juice for breakfast or as a snack, it is not recommended to take more than 100 ml with meals to avoid disrupting digestion. But in addition to juice, if you want to lose weight it is important to adapt your diet, consume more vegetables, fruits and vegetables, in addition to practicing some type of physical activity.

How to end constipation

In addition to regularly consuming tamarind juice, it is recommended to increase your fiber intake with every meal. See more tips for relieving constipation in this video:

Tamarind juice to loosen the gut