Home Home-Remedies 5 Incredible Pimple Juices

5 Incredible Pimple Juices


Fruit juices prepared with carrots or apples can be a great help in fighting pimples because they cleanse the body, removing toxins present in the blood and the less toxins there are in the body, the lower the risk of skin inflammation, however, a tip It is important to avoid the consumption of foods rich in fat and processed foods as they favor skin oils.

But besides taking care of the food, consuming one of these recipes every day, it is also necessary to wash your face 1 or 2 times a day with an antiseptic soap like Soapex or use a soap based on acetylsalicylic acid, under medical guidance and always moisturize the skin with a gel moisturizer for the face.

Check out the recipes:

1. Carrot juice with apple

An excellent home treatment for pimples is to take 1 glass of carrot juice with apple daily, as it is rich in anti-inflammatory properties that will prevent the inflammation of the blackheads and pimples present and will help to eliminate the toxins present in the blood, avoiding the formation of new pimples. See the recipe:


  • 1 tablespoon of freshly ground black pepper

Method of preparation

Peel the carrots and apples and beat in a blender together with the water. Sweeten with honey to taste and then drink. It is advisable to drink this juice daily or at least 3 times a week, at any time of the day.

2. Cabbage juice with apple

This juice with apple, lemon and cabbage helps to reduce the pimples, since the apple and cabbage have anti-inflammatory action reducing the inflammation of the pimples and the lemon is a powerful antioxidant that helps to eliminate toxins from the body and leave the more beautiful and healthy skin.


  • Add the onion and cook for a further 2 minutes or until the onion is golden brown.

Method of preparation

Beat all ingredients in a blender and then drink. Take this juice daily or at least 3 times a week.

3. Carrot juice with orange

Carrot juice with orange is a great home remedy for pimples, as it is rich in vitamin A that interferes with the functioning of the sebaceous glands, thus reducing the appearance of pimples.


  • 200 ml of orange juice2 carrots

Method of preparation

Beat the ingredients in a blender and drink immediately. Take 2 times a day.

4. Apple lemonade

Apple lemonade is a great home remedy for acne sufferers as it is a natural astringent that purifies the body, reducing inflammation.


  • Juice of 3 lemons1 glass of water10 drops of coconut oil1 applemelon to taste

Method of preparation

Beat all the ingredients very well in the blender and drink it after its preparation. Take 1 glass of this juice 2 times a day for at least 3 months and then evaluate the results.

Another way to use lemon to cleanse the body is to squeeze 1 lemon in 1 liter of water and drink it throughout the day. When taken on an empty stomach, this flavored water also improves bowel function.

Attention: When squeezing the lemon, you should wash the skin very well right afterwards to prevent the region from becoming stained because this fruit is very acidic and when the skin comes in contact with the sun, a burn called phytophotomellanosis can develop.

5. Pineapple juice with apple

Taking pineapple, cucumber and mint juice daily is a good home remedy for pimples as it is rich in silicon and sulfur that will act on the skin level, reducing inflammation, irritation, cleaning the skin.


  • 3 slices of pineapple2 apples1 cucumber1 glass of water1 tablespoon of mintmel to taste

Method of preparation

Beat all the ingredients in a blender and then sweeten with honey. Take 1 glass of this juice a day.

If even following all these guidelines for at least 1 month does not achieve good results, you should make an appointment with a dermatologist, as in the most severe cases of acne, it may be necessary to take medications such as Isotretinoin, for example.

How food can help

See other feeding tips to get rid of pimples:

5 Incredible Pimple Juices