Vitamin B12 is the substance found in the injectable medicine known as Rubranova used to treat anemia as directed by a doctor.
This medicine can be sold in pharmacies with the name Rubranova or Cronobê and is prepared in liquid for injection with 2ml.
Each package of injectable vitamin B12 costs on average 8 to 12 reais.
Rubranova is indicated for the treatment of pernicious anemia, vitamin B12 deficiency and as a complement to the treatment of several sensory neuropathies, such as neuralgia, myalgia of rheumatic, orthopedic or traumatic origin.
How to use
Its use should only be carried out by medical recommendation, and normally for the treatment of less pronounced neuropathies, it should be started with 5, 000 mcg administered by deep injection into the gluteal muscle until the pain disappears. In the case of more severe pain, the dose should be increased to 15, 000 mcg daily and decreased as the pain decreased.
Side effects
The main side effects of the medications include itchy skin and diarrhea.
The use of rubranova is contraindicated during pregnancy, breastfeeding, hereditary optic nerve atrophy, gout, hypersensitivity to cobalt and vitamin B12 or when there is a malignant tumor.
See ways that complement the treatment at: