Home Pregnancy Chinese pregnancy table: does it really work?

Chinese pregnancy table: does it really work?


The Chinese table to know the sex of the baby is a method based on Chinese astrology that, according to some beliefs, is able to predict the sex of the baby right from the first moment of pregnancy, being necessary only to know the month of conception, as well as the mother’s lunar age at that time.

However, and although there are several popular reports that it really works, the Chinese table is not scientifically proven and, therefore, is not accepted by the scientific community as an effective method to find out the sex of the baby.

Thus, and although it can be used as a recreational method, the Chinese table should not be considered an accurate or proven method, being advised that the pregnant woman should resort to other tests supported by the medical community, such as ultrasound, after 16 weeks, or the examination of fetal sexing, after the 8th week of pregnancy.

What is the Chinese table theory

The Chinese table theory is based on a graph that was discovered about 700 years ago in a tomb near Beijing, in which the entire method that is now known as the Chinese table was described. Thus, the table does not appear to be based on any credible source or study.

The method consists of:

  1. Find out the "lunar age" of the woman: what can be done by adding "+1" to the age at which she became pregnant, provided she was not born in January or February; Understand what month the baby was conceived; Cross the previous data on the Chinese table.

When crossing the data, the pregnant woman obtains a square with a color, which corresponds to the sex of the baby, as shown in the image.

Why the table doesn't work

Although there are several popular reports of the effectiveness of the table, as well as reports indicating an efficiency rate between 50 and 93%, these reports do not appear to be based on any scientific research and, therefore, cannot be used as a guarantee of its effectiveness.

Furthermore, according to a study carried out in Sweden between 1973 and 2006, where the Chinese table was applied to more than 2 million births, the result was not very motivating, pointing to a success rate of approximately 50%, which can be compared with the method of throwing a coin in the air and finding out the sex of the child by the likelihood of heads or tails.

Another study, not directly related to the Chinese table, but which also explored the question of the moment of sexual intercourse may influence the sex of the baby, also found no relationship between these two variables, thus contradicting one of the data required by the Chinese table.

Which methods are reliable

To know the sex of the baby accurately it is recommended to use only methods proven by science and supported by the medical community, which include:

  • Obstetric ultrasound, after 16 weeks of pregnancy; Examination of fetal sexing, after 8 weeks.

These tests can be ordered by the obstetrician and, therefore, it is recommended to consult this medical specialty whenever you want to know the sex of the baby.

Learn about the proven methods for knowing the sex of the baby.

Chinese pregnancy table: does it really work?