Home Bulls Understand what can cause testicular torsion and how to treat it

Understand what can cause testicular torsion and how to treat it


What to do in case of suspected testicular torsion is to go immediately to the emergency room or consult a urologist, as soon as the first symptoms appear, such as severe pain in the testicles, swelling or sensitivity to touch.

Normally, testicular torsion is a rare problem that appears before the age of 25 when a testicle twists around the spermatic cord, decreasing blood circulation and can cause serious damage to the testicle.

Testicular torsion is a medical emergency because it is necessary to start treatment within 12 hours after the onset of symptoms to prevent the development of damage that can lead to infertility.

Testicular torsion pictures

Normal testicle

Testicular torsion

What causes testicle torsion

The main cause of testicular torsion is a genetic problem that weakens the tissue that supports the testicles, allowing them to rotate freely within the scrotum and leading to the emergence of spermatic cord torsion.

In addition, testicular torsion can also arise after trauma to the testicles due to accidents or kicks, for example, after vigorous activity or during adolescence, when growth is very fast.

Testicular torsion treatment

Treatment for testicular torsion should be done as soon as possible at the hospital with surgery to place the testicle in the correct location and allow blood to pass, preventing death of the organ.

Testicular torsion surgery is performed under general anesthesia and, normally, it is only necessary to completely remove the affected testicle if more than 12 hours have passed after the onset of symptoms. However, in these cases, the onset of infertility is rare since the problem rarely affects both testicles, allowing a healthy testicle to be maintained.

Testicular torsion symptoms

The most common symptoms of testicular torsion include:

  • Severe and sudden pain in the testicles; Swelling and increased sensitivity in the scrotum; Presence of one testicle higher than the other; Pain in the belly or groin; Severe pain when urinating; Nausea, vomiting and fever.

Testicular torsion in children and adolescents is more frequent at night and, in these cases, it is common for the pain to be so severe that it wakes the boy from sleep.

When these symptoms appear, it is recommended to go to the emergency room as soon as possible to do an ultrasound, diagnose testicular torsion and start the appropriate treatment.

See what other causes of pain may be in: Pain in the testicles.

Understand what can cause testicular torsion and how to treat it