Home Home-Remedies Homemade weight loss treatment

Homemade weight loss treatment


An excellent home treatment to lose weight is to take tomato juice and also 1 capsule or gorse tea and 1 konjac capsule, because these natural remedies have substances that decrease appetite and cleanse the body, facilitating weight loss.

To complete this weight loss treatment, eat a ripe pear 15 minutes before lunch and another before dinner.

After five days, analyze the results, weighing and measuring. Continue the treatment until you achieve the desired weight loss. See how to calculate how many pounds you need to lose at: How to know how many pounds I need to lose.

Tomato juice to decrease appetite

The tomato, in addition to cleaning the body, is an excellent source of nutrients and decreases appetite throughout the day.


  • 4 tomatoes of 120g each

Method of preparation

Transform the tomatoes into juice, using the centrifuge or blender. Take this concentrated juice on an empty stomach for 5 days. Do not add water or sugar.

Natural remedy to lose weight with Konjac

Konjac is a medicinal plant that helps to decrease appetite and control blood sugar levels, as well as cholesterol.

It can be purchased in the form of capsules. 2 capsules should be taken before breakfast, lunch and dinner, for at least one month.

Homemade remedy for weight loss with gorse

When combined with tomato and konajc, gorse tea makes the weight loss treatment more effective, increasing its speed and facilitating the weight loss process.


  • 20g of dry gorse leaves; 1 liter of water

Method of preparation

Place the gorse in a pan and cover with boiling water. Cover and let warm. Strain and drink 2 times a day, throughout the treatment.

To help with weight loss, watch the video below and make a detox soup with the best ingredients.

If you want to speed up weight loss, see also:

  • 5 Medicinal Plants for Weight Loss

Homemade weight loss treatment