Home Home-Remedies Home treatment options to get rid of pimples

Home treatment options to get rid of pimples


A good home treatment for pimples is to control the oiliness of the skin using the following face mask:


  • In a large bowl, whisk together 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of cosmetic clay.

Method of preparation

Mix all the ingredients well in a container until you get a thick and malleable mask, if necessary you can add more clay. The next step is to apply the homemade mask on clean, moist skin and let it act for approximately 15 minutes. Remove with warm water.

The ingredients used in this home remedy are effective in combating pimples and oily skin due to their antibacterial properties and their ability to moisturize the skin without leaving it oily. Lavender soothes and soothes inflammation that helps heal pimples, leaving your skin looking clean, beautiful and healthy.

Other home treatments

There are other homemade, practical and easy options that can help to dry and eliminate pimples. Preferably, you should talk to the dermatologist before using them to find out if they are ideal, since each person has a skin type, and some types of treatment are indicated more for some people than for others.

To do some of these techniques, it is important to wash the area with warm water and, if it is on the face, the ideal is to use a product that is gentle and specific to the skin type. Some recipes include:

  • Use a mixture of honey and cinnamon, in the consistency of a paste, and pass over the area with pimples and let it act for a few hours or sleep with this mask; Mix half a lemon with 1 spoon of baking soda, and pass the mixture with a cotton swab, only on the pimples, without leaving contact with other areas of the skin, and leave for 2 hours or until dry, and then wash your face well; Knead some slices of cucumber and put the paste on the skin, leaving it to act for a few hours or sleep with it; Cut 1 piece of garlic and pass in the regions with spine, allowing to act for a few hours; Separate the white of the egg, and pass over the affected region, leaving it to act for 30 minutes and then wash well, 1 time a day; Cut slices of tomato and pass over the face with circular movements, then let it dry, and repeat the process 2 times a day.

See some more natural recipes to improve skin oiliness and eliminate pimples.

Natural treatment for inflamed pimples

To treat inflamed or internal acne at home, it is possible to use some homemade recipes to deflate the region, which can be made pending consultation with the Dermatologist, to relieve pain and discomfort. Some options are:

  • Make ice pack, which should be done alternating 5 minutes of contact of the ice with the skin and 10 minutes of rest, and repeat 3 times; Make black tea compress, placing 1 warm tea sachet on the skin, and leaving for a few minutes, 2 times a day; Wash your face with warm green tea, letting it dry on your face without removing it, 2 times a day.

In addition, it is very important to keep your skin hydrated, consuming about 2 liters of water per day. Also, check out some tips from the nutritionist about the food you should have to fight pimples:

Home treatment options to get rid of pimples