Home Home-Remedies Home treatment for gastritis

Home treatment for gastritis


The home treatment for gastritis or stomach pain only should include an easily digestible diet, in addition to teas, juices and vitamins that help to satisfy hunger, without causing stomach pain.

It is important to drink water several times a day and pieces of bread or crackers until you feel better, but if the pain remains for more than 3 days, the pain increases or there is blood vomiting, you should go to the doctor to start proper treatment, which may include the use of medications.

See all the important food tips for gastritis.

1. Aroma tea for gastritis

Aroeira has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, purifying and antacid properties that are effective against gastritis and ulcers by decreasing stomach acidity and helping to fight H. Pylori. According to scientific research, this home remedy is as effective as Omeprazole, most used drugs against gastritis in Brazil.


  • 3 to 4 pieces of mastic peel 1 liter of water

Method of preparation

Boil the ingredients for about 10 minutes, let it warm, strain and drink this tea several times a day, as a substitute for water.

2. Chard tea for gastritis

Swiss chard tea is an excellent home remedy for gastritis because it is a very nutritious vegetable, which in addition to reducing the symptoms of gastritis, eliminates toxins from the blood.


  • 50 g of chard leaves1 liter of water

Method of preparation

To prepare this home remedy just add the chard leaves in a pan with water and boil for approximately 10 minutes. After the specified time, wait for the tea to warm up and drink 3 times a day.

3. Herbal tea for gastritis

A great homemade solution to calm the pain caused by gastritis is an infusion of herbs.


  • We have a wide range of products to suit your needs, including:

Method of preparation

Put all the ingredients in a pan and boil everything for 5 minutes. Take 1 cup of this cold tea, 3 to 4 times a day, divided into small doses, between meals.

4. Papaya smoothie with banana for gastritis

The papaya and banana vitamin prepared with skim milk or plain yogurt is a great snack option because it fills the stomach without causing any irritation.


  • This is a great way to add some flavors to your dishes, as well as a variety of desserts.

Method of preparation

Beat all the ingredients in a blender and then drink at least once a day, preferably for breakfast or snacks.

How to cure gastritis faster

To complement this homemade treatment, we suggest an adequate diet, regular physical exercise, avoid stress, do not smoke and do not drink alcohol, giving preference to the consumption of foods cooked in water and salt and with little fat. Coffee and other stimulating drinks should also be avoided.

Does lemon cure gastritis?

Although it is popularly believed that lemon can cure gastritis, this still lacks scientific proof. But, according to popular wisdom, just take the pure juice of 1 lemon every day, 30 minutes before breakfast, as the pure lemon can neutralize the acidity of the stomach, thus reducing the symptoms of gastritis.

Home treatment for gastritis