Home Home-Remedies Herpes zoster: 5 home remedies to relieve itching

Herpes zoster: 5 home remedies to relieve itching


There is no treatment capable of curing herpes zoster and, therefore, the virus needs to be eliminated by each person's immune system, which can take up to 1 month. However, it is possible to take some care at home to relieve symptoms, speed recovery and reduce discomfort caused by the infection, such as:

  • Rest and avoid tasks that use a lot of energy; Keep the affected region always clean and dry; Avoid covering the affected skin; Do not scratch the blisters; Apply cold compresses over the region, to reduce itching.

In addition, if the itching and pain do not improve with the compresses, you can consult a dermatologist or a general practitioner to start using creams and ointments that help relieve symptoms. When the pain is very intense, analgesics, such as Paracetamol, prescribed by the doctor can even be used.

Because the immune system needs to be weakened, herpes zoster is more common in people over 50 or adults with an autoimmune disease, for example. So, although symptoms can be treated at home, if they are very intense, you should go to the hospital. In such cases, the doctor may advise the use of antivirals, such as Aciclovir, Fanciclovir or Valacyclovir, for example.

Better understand what herpes zoster is and how it can be passed on to others.

5 home remedies for herpes zoster

Home remedies for herpes zoster can be used at home along with the treatment indicated by the doctor and, in addition to helping to relieve symptoms, they also speed up the healing of the skin.

However, these remedies should only be applied to skin sites without open wounds, because if they manage to pass through the skin they can cause irritation and infection, aggravating the symptoms.

1. Apple cider vinegar compresses

Apple cider vinegar has great properties for treating skin irritations and injuries. In the case of herpes zoster, the acidity of the vinegar helps to dry the blisters and therefore, in addition to facilitating healing, it also reduces itching.


  • 1 cup of apple cider vinegar; 1 cup of warm water.

Method of preparation

Mix the ingredients in a bowl and then put compresses or pieces of clean fabric in the mixture until they are completely wet. Then, remove excess liquid from the compresses and apply directly to the affected skin without wounds for 5 minutes. Finally, the skin should be allowed to air dry.

2. Cornstarch paste and bicarbonate

This paste made with corn starch and sodium bicarbonate is a great natural way to dry herpes zoster lesions and at the same time soothe skin irritation, reducing any discomfort caused by the virus infection.


  • 10 grams of corn starch (cornstarch); 10 grams of baking soda; water.

Method of preparation

Mix the cornstarch and the bicarbonate in a small dish and then add a few drops of water until you get a homogeneous paste. Finally, apply this paste on the blisters of herpes zoster, avoiding places with open wounds.

After 10 to 15 minutes, remove the paste with warm water and repeat the process several times a day, as needed.

3. Oat bath

Due to its composition with pantothenic acid, beta-glucans, vitamins B1 and B2 and amino acids, oats are an excellent natural way to protect and calm skin irritated by herpes zoster.


  • 40 grams of oats; 1 liter of hot water.

Method of preparation

Combine the ingredients in a bowl and let stand until the water is warm. Then strain the mixture and keep only the liquid. Finally, you should bathe and use this water over the affected region, ideally without using any type of soap.

4. Calendula oil

The flavonoids present in marigold oil have anti-inflammatory properties that reduce skin irritation and promote the healing of blisters, reducing itchy symptoms.


  • Calendula oil.

Method of preparation

Put some of the calendula oil in your hand and pass over the blisters of herpes zoster, letting it air dry. This process can be repeated several times a day, especially after washing the skin, for example.

5. Chamomile bath

The plant is a plant widely used as a natural tranquilizer, not only for the nervous system, but also for the skin. That way, it can be used on irritated skin, to decrease inflammation and improve symptoms such as pain and itching.


  • 5 tablespoons of chamomile flowers, 1 liter of boiling water.

Method of preparation

Add the ingredients in a bowl and let stand for 10 minutes. Then strain and use warm water to wash the region affected by herpes zoster.

Another option for using chamomile is to apply ointments made with this plant over the blisters of herpes zoster, to reduce itching throughout the day.

Herpes zoster: 5 home remedies to relieve itching