Home Symptoms Bromhidrosis



Bromhidrosis is a condition that causes a bad smell in the body, usually in the armpits, popularly known as cê-cê, in the soles of the feet, known as foot odor, or in the groin. This bad smell arises due to the production of sweat by glands called apocrine, very concentrated in these regions, which favors the multiplication of bacteria and causes an unpleasant odor.

These smelly sweat glands appear in early adolescence, around 8 to 14 years of age, and there are people who have a higher number and, therefore, these people have a more intense unpleasant smell.

To treat bromhidrosis, there are options such as removing hair from the region, avoiding repeated clothing and using long-lasting deodorants, which reduce sweat production. In addition, in necessary cases, the use of antibiotic ointments, such as Clindamycin, may be prescribed by the doctor, or even treatment with surgery or laser to decrease the apocrine glands.

How to treat

Bromhidrosis is curable, and to treat it effectively, it is necessary to reduce the amount of bacteria on the skin, as the bacteria are responsible for the fermentation of secretions that produce the bad smell, preferably with methods guided by the dermatologist.

A good option is to use antiseptic or antibacterial soaps. In cases where bromhidrosis is a consequence of excessive sweating, it may also be necessary to use antiperspirant or antiperspirant deodorants, such as those containing aluminum, to decrease the sweat production by the glands and avoid the bad smell.

Check out some natural ways to combat underarm odor in this video:

In the most severe cases, where none of the products shows the expected results, the doctor may prescribe the use of antibiotics in ointment, such as Clindamycin or Erythromycin, which can decrease the population of bacteria in the affected region. However, these products should only be used as a last resort because they can cause bacteria to create resistance, making them more difficult to eliminate.

Another good option for people who sweat a lot is to perform procedures that can decrease the number of sweat glands, such as gland removal surgery or laser treatment, which should be indicated by the dermatologist after the previous alternatives have not been effective.

What to do to avoid

Some simple ways to control the problem of bromhidrosis are to use natural techniques that reduce bacteria in the areas of greatest sweat production, such as:

  • Wash the skin daily, lathering the feet, armpits or groin area well; Dry the skin well after bathing, especially between the fingers and under the folds of skin; Always wash clothes well and avoid repeating them; Remove hair from regions such as armpits and groins, as they are responsible for accumulating dirt and sweat; prefer to use cotton clothes, cooler and looser; change socks and underwear daily; use anti-perspirant or antibacterial sprays or talc for feet; use open footwear whenever possible.

In addition, another very important tip is to keep the regions with the worst smell free of hair, as the hair facilitates the accumulation of dirt and bacteria, intensifying the smell. However, if these techniques do not improve the smell of sweat, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist to start using some products that help to reduce the amount of sweat and, consequently, avoid the unpleasant smell.

Check out more natural tips on how to eliminate the smell of sweat and on home remedy to treat foot odor.
